Things to know in the civil servant promotion exam

Khánh Linh |

Reader Nguyen Hanh (Dien Bien) asked: What are the regulations for the civil servant promotion exam ?

Regarding this issue, Lawyer Nguyen Thuy Han - Law Library Company Limited said that according to Article 1 of the Rules issued with Circular 06/2020/TT-BNV, the regulations for candidates taking the exam are: Recruitment and selection of civil servants and public employees, examinations for civil servant rank promotion, examinations or consideration for promotion of civil servant professional titles as follows:

You must be present at the exam room on time. Dress neatly, civilized and polite. In case candidates arrive more than 30 minutes late from the start of the exam, they will not be allowed to take the exam.

Present your ID card or Citizen ID card or one of the other types of legal identification documents with a photo for the examiner to compare before entering the exam room.

Sit in the right seat according to your registration number, leave your ID card or citizen identification card or one of the other types of legal identification documents with a photo on the table for the exam room supervisors and Council members. test.

You are only allowed to bring into the exam room a ruler, pens to take the exam, and some medications that candidates with medical records must bring; You are not allowed to bring into the exam room mobile phones, voice recorders, cameras, computers, technical means of receiving and transmitting information, data backup means, or other information storage and transmission devices. and papers and documents related to exam content (unless otherwise specified in the exam question).

Only use the type of test paper provided to take the test; Must write all required items for candidates on the test paper.

The exam must only be written in blue or black ink. Do not use other colored inks, emulsion inks, reflective inks, or pencils to take the exam (unless otherwise specified in the exam question); Do not mark or make special symbols on the test.

Except for the mandatory recording on the blank page, candidates are not allowed to write their full name, signature, title, agency name, or other signs on the test.

Comply with all instructions from the supervisor; Keep order and do not smoke or use stimulants in the exam room.

Do not talk to others during the exam, do not exchange exam papers or scratch papers, do not copy or look at other candidates' test papers or commit any other cheating actions. It is strictly prohibited to copy or transmit information related to the exam outside the exam room or to receive information from outside the exam room.

If you need to ask something, you must ask the exam room supervisor publicly.

In case it is necessary to rewrite, cross out or strikethrough the written part in the exam (unless the exam has other regulations).

You are not allowed to go outside the exam room for subjects or sections with exam duration of less than 60 minutes, except for the cases specified in (15.2). For the written exam, you can only leave the exam room at the earliest after 2/3 of the exam time. In cases where it is necessary to leave the exam room, it must be resolved by the Head of the Examination Committee.

During the period of not being allowed to go out of the exam room as prescribed in (12), if candidates have unusual pain or illness, they must notify the exam room supervisor and the exam room supervisor must immediately notify the Head of the exam committee for consideration. handle.

Stop taking the test and submit it to the exam proctor as soon as the proctor declares the end of the exam time. You must clearly state the total number of exam papers submitted and sign the exam submission list. In case of failure to complete the exam, candidates must also submit the exam paper again.

In case the exam is held on computer:

- Actions that damage the computer system serving the exam are strictly prohibited; When discovering that the computer cannot be used, you must promptly notify the supervisor for consideration and resolution;

- Candidates taking the exam are only allowed to leave the exam room when they have submitted their papers and signed the exam results sheet.

In case a candidate does not sign the exam results sheet before leaving the exam room, he or she must receive a score of zero (0).

In case the examiner discovers that a test taker signs for another test taker, these candidates must receive a score of zero (0).

The decision on a score of zero (0) for these cases is decided by the Chairman of the Council based on the report of the Head of the Examination Committee.

Exam candidates have the right to report violators of rules and regulations to the exam room supervisor, Head of the Exam Committee, members of the Exam Council, and members of the Supervisory Board.

Khánh Linh

Khi nào thôi áp dụng cách tính lương của công chức xã?

Thục Quyên |

Cách tính lương hiện nay của công chức xã căn cứ trên lương cơ sở và hệ số lương, sẽ thôi áp dụng khi nào?

Tuổi nghỉ hưu năm 2025 của cán bộ công chức viên chức


Bạn đọc Lệ Hằng hỏi: Cán bộ công chức viên chức có tuổi nghỉ hưu năm 2025 là bao nhiêu?

Yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến mức lương công chức, viên chức

Minh Hương |

Yếu tố xác định được mức lương cao nhất, thấp nhất của công chức, viên chức phụ thuộc vào trình độ, thời gian công tác và vị trí việc làm.

Cấp dưới Trương Mỹ Lan khai: Không ngờ hậu quả quá lớn

Tú Tâm |

TPHCM - Tại phiên xử Trương Mỹ Lan giai đoạn 2, trong phần thẩm vấn, nhiều cấp dưới thừa nhận hành vi như cáo trạng truy tố.

Sắp triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương

Xuyên Đông |

Ngày 20.9, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải cho biết, sẽ triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương trong năm 2025.

Mưa ngập, hơn 11.000 học sinh vùng trũng ở Hà Tĩnh nghỉ học


Sáng 20.9, tại huyện Hương Khê và Hương Sơn (Hà Tĩnh) xảy ra mưa lớn, ngập cục bộ nên hơn 11.000 học sinh ở khu vực trũng thấp được cho nghỉ học.

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9: Vàng nhẫn tăng sốc

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 20.9 tăng mạnh ở thị trường trong nước và thế giới. Giá vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 sáng nay sắp bằng giá vàng miếng SJC.

Giám đốc công ty làm máy nhắn tin cho Hezbollah bị điều tra

Anh Vũ |

Công ty Gold Apollo, có trụ sở tại Đài Loan (Trung Quốc), đang bị điều tra liên quan đến vụ nổ hàng nghìn máy nhắn tin của lực lượng Hezbollah.