Conditions for party members to receive monthly support in Quang Binh

Thục Quyên |

Party members of Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee who are awarded the 50-year Party membership badge or more will receive monthly support.

Resolution No. 43/2023/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Quang Binh province (effective from April 3, 2023) stipulates the monthly support regime for party members of the Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee who are awarded the 50-year Party membership badge or more.

Accordingly, the applicable subjects include:

Party members of the Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee who are awarded the 50-year Party membership badge or more are not entitled to pension benefits, and are not entitled to the following benefits: allowances for loss of working capacity; allowances and preferential allowances for people with revolutionary contributions; social benefits according to Decree 20/2021/ND-CP dated March 15, 2021 of the Government regulating social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries (except for Party members who are receiving allowances for the elderly and allowances for the disabled).

Party members awarded the 50-year Party membership badge or more who are receiving one of the monthly allowances that is lower than the support level of Party members awarded the 50-year Party membership badge or more will receive the monthly difference between the two above regimes.

About support level:

a) Party members awarded the 50-year Party membership badge: 0.3 times the basic salary/month/party member.

b) Party members awarded the 55-year Party membership badge: 0.4 times the basic salary/month/party member.

c) Party members awarded the 60-year Party membership badge: 0.5 times the basic salary/month/party member.

d) Party members awarded the 65-year Party membership badge: 0.6 times the basic salary/month/party member.

d) Party members awarded the 70-year Party membership badge: 0.7 times the basic salary/month/party member.

e) Party members awarded the 75-year Party membership badge: 0.8 times the basic salary/month/party member.

g) Party members awarded the 80-year Party membership badge or more: 1.0 times the basic salary/month/party member.

Currently the basic salary is 2,340,000 VND/month.

Thục Quyên

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Thục Quyên (T/H) |

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Thục Quyên (T/H) |

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