Allowance level of Vice Chairman of Veterans Association in Da Nang

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The monthly allowance of the Vice Chairman of the Veterans Association of Da Nang City is calculated based on the basic salary, according to the Resolution of the City People's Council.

According to Resolution No. 99/2023/NQ-HDND of the People's Council of Da Nang City (effective from January 1, 2024), the Vice Chairman of the Commune Veterans Association is one of 13 positions of non-professional activists in wards and communes in Da Nang City.

According to the Resolution, along with other non-professional positions of ward and commune workers, the Vice Chairman of the Commune Veterans Association in Da Nang City is entitled to a monthly allowance and a concurrent allowance.

Regarding monthly allowances, including:

a) Part-time ward and commune workers are entitled to a monthly allowance of 1.5 times the basic salary (including social insurance and health insurance contributions).

b) The city budget supports the payment of additional monthly allowances for part-time ward and commune workers to ensure a reasonable correlation with the salary level 1 of ward and commune civil servants with the same training level, specifically as follows: Support 0.36 times the basic salary for those with intermediate qualifications; 0.6 times the basic salary for those with college qualifications; 0.84 times the basic salary for those with university qualifications and 1.17 times the basic salary for those with master's degrees.

About concurrent allowance

a) In case of holding multiple positions concurrently, only one concurrent allowance is received.

b) Allowance for holding concurrent positions is not used to calculate social insurance and health insurance contributions and benefits.

The current basic salary is 2,340,000 VND/month.

Thục Quyên (T/H)

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Thục Quyên |

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Thục Quyên |

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