Proposing salary and allowance policies for teachers


According to the draft Law on Teachers, the basic salary according to the teachers' salary scale is ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system.

The draft Law on Teachers is being finalized by the Government and will be submitted to the National Assembly for its first comments at the 8th Session in October 2024. The draft law has devoted a chapter to regulations on salary and benefits policies for teachers.

According to Article 44, teachers' salaries in public educational institutions are guaranteed by the state budget salary fund as follows:

Basic salary according to the teacher salary scale is ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system; preferential allowances and other allowances depend on the nature of the job and the region as prescribed by law.

In addition, preschool teachers; young teachers; teachers working in particularly difficult areas such as ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas and islands; teachers at specialized schools and other specialized schools; teachers implementing inclusive education; teachers who are ethnic minorities and teachers in some specific professions are given priority in terms of salary and allowances compared to other teachers.

Salaries and salary policies of teachers at non-public educational institutions and public educational institutions with autonomy in regular expenditures, and public educational institutions with autonomy in regular expenditures and investment expenditures are decided by the educational institution and must not be less than the salaries and salary policies of teachers with the same training level, seniority, and title as prescribed.

Teachers working in sectors and fields with special policies are entitled to special policies according to regulations and are only entitled to the highest level if that policy coincides with the policy for teachers.

The Government prescribes salary scales, tables and contents related to salaries and allowances for teachers.

To ensure that teachers continue to receive seniority allowances until the State has new guidelines on salary policy, the draft law stipulates in the transitional clause: "Teachers continue to receive seniority allowances until the new salary policy is implemented."

According to the draft law, policies to support teachers include allowances, subsidies, training and development policies, periodic health care, occupational health care and other policies to ensure social security for teachers; tuition exemptions for children of teachers currently working.

Standing member of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Le Minh Nam said that for regulations on salary and benefits policies for teachers, the drafting agency needs to clearly identify resources.

Therefore, the delegate said that it is necessary to fully and comprehensively evaluate the impact and feasibility of this policy. The Ministry of Finance also needs to study and give opinions on this content to see whether it is guaranteed to be implemented in practice or not.

Sharing the same view, Standing Member of the Law Committee Dong Ngoc Ba expressed support for prioritizing teachers' salaries at the highest level, however, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the resources for implementation.


Trường hợp thôi giữ chức vụ quản lý, miễn nhiệm với nhà giáo


Dự thảo Luật Nhà giáo đã quy định chi tiết các trường hợp thôi giữ chức vụ quản lý hoặc miễn nhiệm đối với nhà giáo giữ chức vụ cán bộ quản lý cơ sở giáo dục.

Có chính sách tiền lương nhà giáo để thu hút sinh viên giỏi

Lan Nhi |

Thường trực Ủy ban Văn hóa, Giáo dục của Quốc hội cho rằng, cần có chính sách tiền lương cho nhà giáo nhằm tạo động lực cho giáo viên, thu hút sinh viên giỏi.

Tạo nguồn cải cách tiền lương, xử lý các nhiệm vụ đột xuất


Thủ tướng Chính phủ yêu cầu tập trung nguồn lực thực hiện chính sách cải cách tiền lương, các chính sách, chế độ an sinh xã hội, xóa đói giảm nghèo.

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Trung tâm Dự báo Khí tượng Thủy văn Quốc gia đã dự báo diễn biến không khí lạnh trong 24 giờ đến 48 giờ tới.

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1 tài xế ôtô đưa đón học sinh dùng giấy phép lái xe giả

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Cases of resignation from management positions and dismissal of teachers


The Draft Law on Teachers has detailed regulations on cases of removal from management positions or dismissal of teachers holding management positions in educational institutions.

Have a teacher salary policy to attract good students

Lan Nhi |

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly's Culture and Education Committee believes that there should be a salary policy for teachers to motivate teachers and attract good students.

Create sources for salary reform, handle unexpected tasks


The Prime Minister requested to focus resources on implementing wage reform policies , social security policies and regimes, and poverty reduction.