The "For the cause of the armed forces of the masses" commemorative medal is awarded to individuals holding the position of Militia Commander, Militia Soldier who has fulfilled his/her duties and tasks well; individuals who have made many contributions to the Vietnam Militia.
Point b Clause 1 Article 18 Circular 57/2020/TT-BQP stipulates as follows:
Authority to decide on rewards
Implement according to the provisions of Articles 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation; Articles 43, 44 of Decree No. 91/2017/ND-CP and the following specific provisions:
1. Minister of Defense
a) Awarded the title "Emulation Fighter of the whole army", "Certificate of Merit of the Minister of National Defense";
b) Awarding the Medal "For the cause of the people's armed forces".
2. Head of unit under the Ministry of National Defense
a) Award the title "Victory Unit";
b) Certificate of merit from units under the Ministry of National Defense.
3. Heads of central agencies and organizations and Chairmen of People's Committees at all levels decide to reward the Militia and Self-Defense Forces under their authority with the forms of reward prescribed in Articles 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80 of the Law on Emulation and Commendation; Articles 39, 40 of Decree No. 91/2017/ND-CP and specific regulations of heads of central agencies and organizations and Chairmen of People's Committees at all levels.
4. Head of Provincial Military Command
a) Award the title of "Basic Emulation Fighter", the title of "Advanced Fighter", and Certificate of Merit to the highest individual up to the rank of Militia and Self-Defense Battalion Commander or equivalent;
b) Award the title "Advanced Unit" and Certificate of Merit to the highest collective up to the Militia and Self-Defense Battalion level or equivalent.
5. Head of District Military Command
a) Award the title of "Advanced Soldier" and Certificate of Merit to the highest individual up to the rank of Militia and Self-Defense Captain or equivalent;
b) Award the title "Advanced Unit" and Certificate of Merit to the highest collective up to the level of Militia and Self-Defense Company or equivalent.
Thus, the Minister of National Defense is the person with the authority to decide to award the Medal "For the cause of the people's armed forces" in the Militia and Self-Defense Forces.