The Korean drama “The Queen Who Crowns” aired on tvN and the newly launched Tving platform has caused controversy due to its bold “hot” scenes involving actors Cha Joo Young and Lee Yi Dam.
Cha Joo Young - the actress who was once noticed for her nude scene in "The Glory" - once again shocked everyone when she took on the role of Queen Wonyeong in "The Queen Who Crowns".
Right from episode 1, Queen Wonyeong had a "hot" scene with King Lee Bang Won (Lee Hyun Wook) after the grand coronation ceremony. The scene lasted 3 minutes with explicit camera angles showing the female lead's body.
Lee Yi Dam - playing the role of palace maid Chae Ryeong who becomes a concubine - also caused a shock with her bold sex scenes.
Previously, in “The Glory”, Cha Joo Young’s nude scene was revealed to be created using CGI (computer-generated imagery technology). So the audience is once again wondering whether the nude scene in “The Queen Who Crowns” was CGI or not.
Soon after, Korean media confirmed that the scene of Cha Joo Young and Lee Yi Dam was indeed created using editing technology.
But the reason for the edit has sparked some controversy. On January 16, Munhwa Ilbo reported that the producers apparently did not provide any detailed descriptions of the nude scenes in the original script.
The actors reportedly had no idea that the scene would involve such a high level of nudity, until they sat down to discuss the storyboard just before filming.
Because the prospect of explicit body exposure was not something the actors agreed to, the production team had to use CGI editing technology to enhance the level of nudity, which they stressed was essential.
The media claimed that the nude bodies in the scenes were those of stuntmen. Cha Joo Young and Lee Yi Dam filmed the scenes while still clothed, and the stuntmen's bodies were combined with the main actors' faces in post-production.
In response to the above information, director Kim Sang Ho affirmed that it was not he or the production team who wanted to increase the level of nudity in the scene, but that it was the request of the TV channel. The director said that he had to be very careful when dealing with this issue.
When SpoTV News reached out to the manufacturer's representatives for a response, they said they were in the process of verifying the authenticity of these claims.
On Tving, the drama was released with a 19+ rating, which is the full version that contains erotic scenes. When aired on tvN, the drama was rated 15+ after the sensitive scenes were cut. According to the audience, even without the “hot” scenes, the plot is not affected.
It was even reported that these scenes were not originally in the script, which raised concerns about whether the actors were being misused as part of a “19+ marketing strategy”, leading to criticism of how the production was handled.