Why is Son Tung mentioned in the midst of Negav's crisis?

Thùy Trang |

Many famous people were named when Negav was found to have made past statements, including Son Tung M-TP.

In recent days, a series of Negav's past statements have been rediscovered, shocking social networks.

An audience discovered that Negav had left obscene comments on a post by Son Tung M-TP in 2019. In addition, Negav repeatedly mentioned Son Tung with sensitive language.

Therefore, Son Tung has been unwillingly mentioned in the past few days. The singer's old posts and shares about studying have also become famous again.

A post by Son Tung in 2013 was widely shared, with the content: “I feel like I’m still really young. Not only do I have to improve my musical knowledge, but I also have to improve my interpersonal skills.

I will have to study more to be able to improve my knowledge of music and knowledge of living in this world. I have to train myself, no one can help me but myself. Keep trying!".

At that time, Son Tung was only 19 years old, in the early years of his music career. His humble spirit, eagerness to learn and constant effort made many audiences admire him.

Another shared video shows Son Tung always reminding his younger brother, singer Mono, to study seriously. Every time he comes home, Son Tung M-TP often tells his brother: "Try hard, Hoang (Mono's real name - PV), focus on studying so that you will have a good future. I'm past this age, I know what's bad and what's good."

The video recording Son Tung M-TP's confession attracted more than 800,000 views with thousands of interactions and comments.

Son Tung M-TP luon nhac nho em trai tu giac hoc tap. Anh: Facebook nhan vat
Son Tung M-TP always reminds his younger brother to study independently. Photo: Facebook character

In a sharing about his family, Son Tung also proudly told his parents: "Up until now, my way of using social networks has not changed. Many times, I told my parents that I am very grateful to them because the way they taught me makes me not need to delete anything from the past.

I am proud of what I have posted on social networks. Those statuses are me - a child who is loved and cared for by my parents every day."

That's why Mono always affirms that he feels lucky to have his parents and brother accompanying him in life and career. "My parents and brother always believe in me. They always give the best things and love to their youngest son."

Amidst the time when Negav made controversial statements about dropping out of school and had a series of offensive posts when he was only 19 years old, Son Tung's shares when he first started his career were recognized and highly appreciated by the audience.

To see, only the journey of constant effort, trying and learning can help artists like Son Tung M-TP or Ha Anh Tuan... gain a solid position in the hearts of fans.

Thùy Trang

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