Banning teachers from tutoring regular students will prevent negativity

Vân Trang |

Many parents have suggested that the Ministry of Education and Training should maintain the regulation prohibiting teachers from tutoring regular students to avoid negative consequences.

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) announced a draft Circular regulating extra teaching and learning, and is seeking comments from August 22 to October 22.

Currently, regulations on extra teaching and learning are implemented according to Circular 17 of 2012. The new draft circular has many differences compared to current regulations.

A notable new point is that teachers are allowed to teach their regular students outside of school and only need to report and make a list (including the students' names and classes) to the principal, instead of asking for permission as is currently the case.

Lao Dong Newspaper has just published an article Proposing to guide students to self-study instead of organizing extra classes.

In the article, Dr. Vu Thu Huong - former lecturer of the Faculty of Primary Education, Hanoi National University of Education, said that instead of "relaxing" the practice of extra teaching and learning, it is necessary to guide students in self-study ability.

The article after being posted received the attention of many parents and readers.

Reader Le Hong Vuong expressed: "Guiding students to self-study is very correct. This also teaches students to be independent, not to rely on others, not to rely on others. Later on, life will be easier to approach."

Reader Nguyen Duy also said:

"Instructing students to study on their own instead of taking extra classes is very correct and needs to be promoted, combined with increasing salaries and preferential policies for teachers."

Regarding the management of extra teaching and learning, Mr. Nguyen Duy said that the Ministry of Education and Training should prohibit teachers from teaching the students they are teaching in class.

"Good teachers can register to teach outside. This will improve the quality of education" - Mr. Duy shared.

According to reader Le Duc Thanh, to avoid negative comments, it is best to ban extra teaching and learning.

"Students study two shifts a day in class, and then go to extra classes at night. Where is the time for them to rest?" - Mr. Thanh expressed.

As a parent with two school-age children, Ms. Le Mai Anh (Tay Ho, Hanoi) also proposed to ban teachers from tutoring regular students.

"Extra classes are not bad, but teachers should be prohibited from directly tutoring their own students (who have taught them in class) to avoid negative consequences. That way, there will be no need to worry about forcing or not forcing. Parents or students who want to self-study or take extra classes should find teachers outside, because outside teachers cannot force any child to take extra classes. That is what is called voluntary from both sides" - Ms. Mai Anh analyzed.

Vân Trang

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