Dạy thêm

Recommendation to guide students to self-study instead of organizing extra classes

Vân Trang |

According to experts, instead of "relaxing" extra teaching and learning, it is necessary to guide students in self-study ability.

Can teachers be banned from forcing students to take extra classes?

Lê Thanh Phong |

Forcing students to take extra classes is a prohibited act for teachers, that is the proposed content in the draft Law on Teachers.

There is nothing wrong with honest tutoring and it should be banned.

Nhà giáo Vi Văn Xuân |

Lao Dong Newspaper received comments from teacher Vi Van Xuan (Phu Tho) on the draft Circular regulating extra teaching and learning that the Ministry of Education and Training is seeking comments on.

Proposal to turn tutoring into a conditional business to avoid negativity

Vân Trang |

Many parents suggest that tutoring should be made a conditional business to improve teaching quality and avoid negativity.

Relax regulations on tutoring for teachers

Trần Hương (T/H) |

The new draft Circular of the Ministry of Education and Training has relaxed regulations on tutoring and extra learning. Accordingly, teachers are allowed to teach extra lessons to their students.

If the vice principal wants to teach more, he must ask permission from the principal


The draft Circular regulating extra teaching and learning is being consulted by the Ministry of Education and Training. This includes additional teaching content for Vice Principals.

News 8:00 p.m.: Need to keep the ban on teachers teaching extra-curricular students

Nhóm PV |

News at 8:00 p.m. on August 27: Proposal to keep the ban on teachers from teaching extra -curricular students; The repaired elevator is broken, residents of HH Linh Dam apartment complex are helpless...

How to handle violations in tutoring activities?

Linh Đan |

Some principles are changed according to the draft Circular Regulations on extra teaching and extra learning of the Ministry of Education and Training.

Highest teacher salary, avoid having to worry about extra teaching

Vương Trần |

Prioritizing the highest teacher salary in the administrative and career salary scale system will help improve income and reduce the burden of making a living.

Proposing to keep the ban on teachers from teaching extra-curricular students

Vân Trang |

Many parents proposed that the Ministry of Education and Training should maintain the regulation prohibiting teachers from organizing extra lessons with their own students in class.

Conditions for teachers to receive extra teaching in schools

Trang Hà |

According to the draft Circular of the Ministry of Education and Training, teachers who want to teach extra classes in schools must ensure a number of principles.

What are the regulations on collecting tuition from extra classes?

Linh Đan |

There are many new points about extra teaching and learning in the draft Circular regulating extra teaching and learning.

New points in organizing tutoring according to the draft new Circular

Linh Đan |

There are many new points about organizing extra teaching and learning according to the draft Circular on regulations on extra teaching and learning.

Are teachers allowed to organize extra lessons?


The Ministry of Education and Training has just published a draft Circular regulating extra teaching and learning , in which some contents will change.

It is expected that regulations on extra teaching will be relaxed, and teachers agree

Nguyễn Văn Lực (Nguyên giáo viên Trường THCS Trịnh Phong, Khánh Hòa) |

The Ministry of Education and Training has just published a draft circular regulating extra teaching and learning. In it, there are many new points that "untie" teachers in tutoring .