90-year-old man receives scholarship "Adults never stop learning"


Can Tho - Mr. Nguyen Tan Thanh (87 years old, Ninh Kieu district) was awarded the scholarship "Adults never stop learning" in 2024.

At the launching ceremony of "Lifelong Learning Week 2024" and the celebration of Vietnam Education Promotion Day (October 2) on September 29 in Can Tho City, Mr. Nguyen Tan Thanh (89 years old, Ninh Kieu district) was honored to receive the "Adults never stop learning" scholarship in 2024.

Anh: Yen Phuong
Mr. Nguyen Tan Thanh shared at the ceremony. Photo: Yen Phuong

Mr. Nguyen Tan Thanh is known as a writer, teacher and fluent in 9 foreign languages. Notably, at the age of 87, he has just passed the entrance exam for a master's degree in Vietnamese Literature, and is currently the oldest new master's student at Can Tho University.

Sharing his feelings at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Tan Thanh emotionally said: “I come from a poor working-class family, and I suffered from asthma for more than a decade from elementary school to high school, and I had three near-death experiences. However, I was born with a love of reading, so I was diligent, studious, and never gave up.”

Due to circumstances, his studies were interrupted for five decades after he had taught, had a family, and completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at Can Tho University of Letters in 1972. Until now, despite his advanced age, he is determined to resume his studies at Can Tho University.

Mr. Thanh believes that the act of granting a scholarship to an elderly person who is still studying like him is a message to students of all classes, to say that: "Studying is a lifelong career", a path of cultural enlightenment that has no stopping point regardless of age or class.

“I promise to be determined to repay this spiritual debt with great efforts in the coming school seasons on the journey of seeking knowledge without stopping, learning never ends, constantly continuing to light the fire for future generations…”, Mr. Thanh emphasized.

Anh: Yen Phuong
Awarding scholarships to students and new students. Photo: Yen Phuong

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien - Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee - said that along with the growth of the movement to encourage learning and talent nationwide, the system of Can Tho City Association for the Promotion of Learning has continuously developed.

Up to now, the city has had more than 6,950 association organizations, with over 392,000 members, 229,600 families achieving the title of learning families, 671 clans achieving the title of learning clans, 571 communities achieving the title of learning communities, and 700 units achieving the title of learning units.

Since the beginning of the year, the association at all levels has coordinated to award 76,311 scholarships, gifts and rewards to poor but studious students.

Anh: Yen Phuong
Book display of Can Tho City Library at the launching ceremony. Photo: Yen Phuong

The Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee announced the launch of the "Lifelong Learning Response Week" from October 1 to 7, with the theme "Developing a reading culture to promote learning", creating a highlight for lifelong learning of the city's people.

On this occasion, Can Tho City awarded 27 education promotion officers and teachers with outstanding achievements; 3 examples of "Adults never stop learning"; 89 new students are valedictorians of their majors and 4 new students are valedictorians of their schools recognized with the title "Tien trang nguyen Tay Do"; 27 students achieved the highest scores in the 10th grade entrance exam of districts in the 2023-2024 school year.


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Cụ ông 87 tuổi biết 9 ngoại ngữ và dự thi thạc sĩ gây sốt ở Cần Thơ


Tại kỳ thi đánh giá năng lực ngoại ngữ đầu vào trình độ Cao học của Trường Đại học Cần Thơ ngày 25.5 vừa qua, trong số hàng trăm thí sinh dự thi, ông Nguyễn Tấn Thành (quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ) là thí sinh đặc biệt đang gây sốt cộng đồng mạng khi quyết tâm học thạc sĩ ở tuổi 87.

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AGU valedictorian received a PhD scholarship before graduating from university


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Cụ ông 87 tuổi biết 9 ngoại ngữ và dự thi thạc sĩ gây sốt ở Cần Thơ


Tại kỳ thi đánh giá năng lực ngoại ngữ đầu vào trình độ Cao học của Trường Đại học Cần Thơ ngày 25.5 vừa qua, trong số hàng trăm thí sinh dự thi, ông Nguyễn Tấn Thành (quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ) là thí sinh đặc biệt đang gây sốt cộng đồng mạng khi quyết tâm học thạc sĩ ở tuổi 87.