When will Dien Bien organize 5-day/week teaching like Lai Chau?


Dien Bien - Lai Chau province has just implemented 5-day/week teaching at all levels. Dien Bien province has similar conditions to Lai Chau, but why hasn't it been implemented yet?

As reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, on September 24, the People's Committee of Lai Chau province issued a document directing the implementation of teaching and learning 5 days/week, with Saturday and Sunday off at all educational institutions.

Accordingly, the People's Committee of Lai Chau province directed the Department of Education and Training (GDDT) and the People's Committees of districts and cities to direct educational institutions to implement teaching and learning 5 days/week, from Monday to Friday; Saturday and Sunday off for all levels of education.

The implementation of teaching and learning 5 days/week must ensure the conditions according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, completing the content and curriculum of general education 2018 according to the school year plan.

Chua dam bao co so vat chat, thieu giao vien la mot trong nhung nguyen nhan tinh Dien Bien chua trien khai day hoc 5 ngay/tuan. Anh: Quang Dat
Lack of facilities and teachers are among the reasons why Dien Bien province has not yet implemented 5-day-a-week teaching. Photo: Quang Dat

At the same time, Lai Chau Provincial People's Committee also requested the Department of Education and Training to provide specific instructions on implementing teaching and learning 5 days/week to ensure effective implementation of the content, program and tasks of the school year.

However, in Dien Bien - a province separated from Lai Chau province (old) - with similar socio-economic conditions and facilities, it has not been possible to apply 5-day/week teaching despite having researched and implemented it for many years.

Talking to Lao Dong Newspaper reporters about this content, Mr. Nguyen Van Doat - Director of the Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province - said that Dien Bien province has not been able to implement teaching 5 days/week due to many reasons, mainly due to the lack of facilities and teachers.

"While the current conditions are not yet met, applying 5-day/week teaching at all levels will directly affect the improvement of education quality in schools," said Mr. Nguyen Van Doat.

Dien Bien province is continuing to research to implement teaching 5 days/week. Photo: Quang Dat

According to the Director of the Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province, in recent years, some localities in the province have proposed and recommended the implementation of teaching 5 days/week according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training. On that basis, the Department of Education and Training has researched and reviewed the necessary conditions in all localities.

Through the summary of the review results, the majority of secondary schools (especially in extremely difficult districts such as Muong Nhe, Nam Po, Tua Chua, Dien Bien Dong) do not have enough facilities and teaching staff to teach 2 sessions/day and 5 days/week according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Training.

"Teaching 5 days/week is new content, the Ministry of Education and Training does not have specific instructions for localities to implement. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training is organizing a draft of instructions for teaching 2 sessions/day at the secondary level. Therefore, Dien Bien province will continue to research, when there is enough basis, it will be implemented" - Director of the Department of Education and Training of Dien Bien province added.


Điện Biên - nhiều gia đình trắng tay sau lũ quét


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