Many localities exempt 100% of tuition fees for the next school year

Vân Trang |

Five provinces and cities have officially exempted 100% of tuition fees for preschool children and students of all levels in the coming school year.

According to the recently passed Resolution, during the 9 months of the 2024-2025 school year, Khanh Hoa province will support 100% of tuition fees for preschool children, primary school students, and continuing education students studying at public educational institutions in the province. This support level is implemented according to the tuition fee collection level for the 2024-2025 school year.

The first time will support tuition fees for 4 months in 2024 and the second time will support tuition fees for 5 months in 2025. The total cost to implement this policy is more than 75 billion VND.

In the 2024-2025 school year, Hai Phong continues to have a policy of exempting all tuition fees for students at all levels from preschool, primary, secondary, high school... in the area. Tuition exemption money is provided from the local budget. Each student is exempted from 9 months of tuition fees/school year.

Last year, this locality also spent more than 400 billion VND from the budget to exempt 100% of tuition fees for students of all levels.

Da Nang City also has a policy of completely exempting tuition fees for preschool children, primary school students, junior high school students, high school students, students of Continuing Education Centers following the general education program; students with permanent residence in Da Nang City who are studying high school culture and public and private vocational education institutions in Da Nang City. Students at all levels are exempted from tuition fees for 9 months in the 2024-2025 school year.

It is expected that the total budget for tuition fee exemption and reduction support for the entire city in the next school year will be about 108.1 billion VND.

The People's Council of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province has just passed a Resolution to support tuition fees for children in nurseries, kindergartens, public and non-public high schools, and students studying in continuing education programs.

Accordingly, from the 2024-2025 school year, preschool children to primary, secondary and high school students studying at public and non-public high schools and continuing education students in the province will be supported with 100% of public tuition fees according to regulations of the People's Council of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province for each level of education.

The support period is based on the actual number of months of study at educational institutions, but not exceeding 9 months/school year. The support funding is provided from the state budget. Students studying in public schools receive tuition directly from the schools, while students studying in private schools receive tuition from the state for their parents.

Long An Provincial People's Council passed a Resolution on tuition fees from the 2024-2025 school year onwards for public preschools, general education institutions and continuing education institutions that have not yet covered their regular expenses.

Accordingly, in the 2024-2025 school year, Long An will reduce 50% of tuition fees for preschool children under 5 years old studying at public preschools; exempt 100% of tuition fees for secondary school students at public schools in the province.

From the 2025-2026 school year and the following years, the province will exempt 100% of tuition fees for preschool children under 5 years old studying at public preschools in the province.

The People's Council of Vinh Phuc province issued a resolution regulating tuition fees for public educational institutions for the 2024-2025 school year, effective from August 1. Accordingly, tuition fees for the 2024-2025 school year will be reduced by 50% compared to last year. Thus, this locality will reduce tuition fees for students of all levels by 50% compared to last year.

Vân Trang

Thêm trường sư phạm công bố điểm chuẩn bổ sung 2024

Vân Trang |

Trường Đại học Sư phạm, Đại học Huế đã công bố điểm chuẩn bổ sung năm 2024.

Chính thức hỗ trợ 100% học phí nhiều cấp ở Khánh Hòa

Hữu Long |

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Chứng chỉ nghiệp vụ sư phạm có còn hiệu lực?

Vân Trang |

Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đã có giải đáp câu hỏi có chứng chỉ nghiệp vụ sư phạm bậc 1 bậc 2 có còn hiệu lực hay không.

Mực nước Thủy điện Hòa Bình ra sao sau mưa lớn?

Minh Nguyễn |

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Một học sinh lớp 2 bị xe ôtô cán tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Một phụ huynh lái xe ôtô bán tải đã vô tình cán tử vong một nữ học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Đắk Nông điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt


Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông vừa quyết định điều động, phân công, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt.

Quán cơm bình dân đông khách nhất Hạ Long bị tẩy chay

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Ban Tuyên giáo Thành ủy Hạ Long đã có công văn đề nghị các cơ quan chức năng vào cuộc vụ quán Cơm sạch bà Liên bị dư luận đề nghị tẩy chay.

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Officially supporting 100% of tuition fees at many levels in Khanh Hoa

Hữu Long |

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