Hanoi is about to forcibly reclaim land to widen the central road to 21m


Hanoi - Authorities are preparing to enforce land acquisition to expand a 720m road, costing about 400 billion VND, after many years of delay.

Thanh Xuan District People's Committee (Hanoi) has issued Decision No. 2527/QD-UBND approving the plan to organize the enforcement of land recovery in cases of non-compliance with the handover of land to implement the expansion project according to the planning of Nguyen Tuan Street.

The enforcement period will take place on October 14 and 15. The authorities will enforce and reclaim 2,479.64 square meters of land and structures on the land from 84 households and individuals who do not agree to receive money and hand over the site to implement the project.

According to statistics from Thanh Xuan District People's Committee, 44 constructions were revoked and completely dismantled; 40 cases were partially cut, of which 16/40 cases had the remaining area not meeting the conditions to exist and had to be completely demolished.

To ensure the enforcement is safe and in accordance with regulations, Thanh Xuan District People's Committee assigned Thanh Xuan Trung Ward People's Committee to preside over the enforcement with members of the Enforcement Board and related units to announce the enforcement time and propagate, persuade, and dialogue with households to hand over the site.

In addition, review to ensure enforcement is carried out on the right subjects; organize statistics on the number of residents, direct Thanh Xuan Trung Ward Police to conduct administrative inspections at the site of land clearance and require tenants and illegal residents to move out of the address where there is a decision on enforcement and land recovery.

Duong Nguyen Tuan nho hep, thuong xuyen un tac sap duoc mo rong. Anh: Huu Chanh
Nguyen Tuan Street, narrow and often congested, is about to be expanded. Photo: Huu Chanh

According to the investigation of Lao Dong Newspaper reporters, the project to renovate and expand Nguyen Tuan Street was approved by Thanh Xuan District People's Committee in 2018, with a total investment of about 400 billion VND.

By 2020, Thanh Xuan District People's Committee continued to approve the project's construction drawing design in Decision No. 1928/QD-UBND.

The project is 720m long, starting at the intersection with Nguyen Trai Street, ending at alley 162 Nguyen Tuan, being expanded on the basis of the existing road. The route will have a cross-section of 21m, including a 15m wide roadway and 2 3m wide sidewalks.

The project aims to help reduce traffic congestion, improve urban landscape and create momentum for socio-economic development in Thanh Xuan district.

Thanh Xuan District aims to approve all plans for site clearance by the end of 2022. By mid-2023, the project will be implemented and the road expansion will be completed after 1 year.

However, the project has yet to be implemented. Site clearance is one of the most difficult tasks that has stalled the project.

It is noted that Nguyen Tuan Street has many bottleneck sections, so it is often congested during rush hour, making it difficult for people to travel.


Hà Nội cưỡng chế thu hồi đất làm dự án rộng gần 12.000m2


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Hà Nội đang cưỡng chế công trình "khủng" vi phạm xây dựng


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Hà Nội sắp cưỡng chế công trình xây chui gây nhức nhối


Hà Nội - Ngày mai, UBND huyện Hoài Đức sẽ tiến hành cưỡng chế công trình vi phạm xây dựng trên đất công, gây nhức nhối trong thời gian dài.

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