Tran Ngoc Manh - a final year student of the Department of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education - is one of the students attending this year's Job Fair.
Manh went to the booths, observed, collected information including: Recruitment location; Working environment; Education quality... and planned for application immediately after graduation.

Manh realized that the biggest difficulty for pedagogical students when they first graduated was lack of experience. However, the male student said that after the recent internship, his skills and pedagogical skills have improved a lot. With the knowledge provided in university lectures, I am confident in participating in the labor market.
"I have found a few units that match my goals at the job fair and will apply. My goal is to work and continue studying at the university to improve my abilities" - Manh shared.

Nguyen Thi Hong Anh - a final year student majoring in English Language, English Department, Hanoi National University of Education - researched and left behind application information for a number of businesses right at this morning's Job Fair.
Hong Anh hopes to find a stable job with an income of over 15 million VND/month right after graduation.
"Through research, I realized that I have met about 80% of the requirements set by employers. My current difficulty is that some units require pedagogical certificates for language students like me to be able to teach. Therefore, I will spend time supplementing this type of certificate" - Hong Anh said.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Van Hien - Chairman of the Council of Hanoi National University of Education - said that the Job Fair is an annual activity of the school.

This is an activity aimed at improving quality, capacity, introducing internship and job opportunities for students. This year, 23 units participated, providing more than 1,000 jobs for students. The recruitment units are reputable educational institutions and educational companies in Hanoi.
Students attending will learn about the information of the recruiting unit, apply for positions, and have future career orientation.
"We still say that today's festival is like the process of students self-examining, evaluating the learning and research process at school, whether they have trained and equipped themselves with what criteria, whether they have met the requirements of employers or not. Thereby, equipping more capacity to meet the requirements of the labor market.
Up to today, students may have job opportunities or may not be successful. But let's consider this a good opportunity to strive and mature together" - Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Van Hien told students.