From failing to becoming valedictorian: Finding private schools for students


Thanh Hoa - Regarding the incident where a student went from failing to passing the exam as valedictorian due to entering the wrong score, the authorities are helping to find a private school for this student.

On October 10, speaking with a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung - Chief Inspector of the Department of Education and Training of Thanh Hoa province affirmed that in the case of a student who failed the 10th grade entrance exam but passed as valedictorian due to entering the wrong score, the Department was also partly at fault in this incident.

Truong THPT Le Hong Phong (thi xa Bim Son, tinh Thanh Hoa) noi xay ra su viec mot hoc sinh tu truot lop 10 nhung nhap nham diem thanh thu khoa. Anh: Truong THPT Le Hong Phong
Le Hong Phong High School (Bim Son town, Thanh Hoa province) is where a student who failed the 10th grade exam mistakenly entered his score as valedictorian. Photo: Le Hong Phong High School

Regarding the Examination Council, Ngoc Lac High School is the direct unit that caused the above error. “In this examination council, we have clearly identified 5 people, including Mr. Vu Ngoc Liem - Chairman of the Examination Council, Principal of Ngoc Lac High School and 4 others who participated in the stages of reading scores, entering scores, controlling reading, controlling recording. We have asked this council to review and clarify the responsibilities of the individuals involved,” said Mr. Dung.

According to Mr. Dung, after the incident, the Department Inspectorate also asked the Principal of Le Hong Phong High School (Bim Son town) to discuss with the student's family and find a suitable private school for the student to continue studying. It is impossible for this student to study at a public school.

Previously, as reported by Lao Dong Newspaper, the Thanh Hoa Department of Education and Training received a complaint about a 10th grade student of Le Hong Phong High School achieving an unusually high score in the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year, while the student's ability was normal.

Immediately after that, the Inspector of Thanh Hoa Department of Education and Training inspected and clarified. Thereby, it was determined that the 10th grade entrance exam scores of this student when announced as admitted (transcript) for the subjects were: Math 8 points; Literature 8.5 points; English 6.4 points (scores have not been multiplied by coefficients).

With the above results, this student is the valedictorian admitted to grade 10 at Le Hong Phong High School for the 2024-2025 school year. However, when re-examining, this candidate's test score was only 4.5 points in Math; 6.5 points in Literature; and 2.4 points in English.

With the above results, based on the admission score to Le Hong Phong High School for the 2024-2025 school year, this student does not have enough points to pass the 10th grade entrance exam. Therefore, the Admissions Council of Le Hong Phong High School has announced that the student did not pass the exam and must stop studying.

According to the representative of the Thanh Hoa Department of Education and Training Inspectorate, the cause of the above incident was that the scoring team of the Ngoc Lac High School Examination Board had mistakenly posted the exam scores.

According to the explanation of the Ngoc Lac High School Examination Board, the reason for the wrong score was due to work pressure and lack of concentration during the working process, which led to the wrong score being recorded and was unintentional.


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