Anti-congestion project at South Hanoi gateway after one year of construction


Hanoi - The Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway project with Ring Road 3 has been implemented for 1 year but progress is not as expected due to lack of space .

In July 2023, Hanoi City started the investment project to build a road connecting Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway with Ring Road 3 .

The route is 3.4km long, 60m wide, including 6 motor vehicle lanes, 2 mixed vehicle lanes with a total investment of 3,241 billion VND, expected to be completed after 2 years.

The project fulfills the expectation of solving traffic congestion at Phap Van intersection, contributing to ensuring traffic order and safety in the inner city, promoting socio-economic development for Hoang Mai district, Hoang Mai district. Thanh Tri and the southern region.

Recorded by Lao Dong reporter in the last days of July 2024, the project connecting Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway with Ring Road 3 has been implemented for 1 year, but currently the contractor is only carrying out construction at the first and last two points. project.

At the Ring Road 3 intersection (package number 3), the contractor built a 130m long, 2m high barrier on the Ring Road 3 frontage road to construct 6 bridge piers and 1 bridge abutment in this area.

Package No. 3 will begin construction in early 2024. On the construction site, machinery and workers are constructing bored piles. The remaining part has not been deployed due to land clearance problems.

At the intersection with Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway (package number 1), the contractor has only completed the construction of some bridge piers. Other items are still being implemented by the construction unit.

According to the reporter's research, the scope of site clearance for the Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway project and Ring Road 3 in Thanh Tri district is located in Tu Hiep commune. The entire area is public land along with agricultural land, no residential land.

In Hoang Mai district, the area of ​​site clearance for the project is located in Yen So ward, which is also mainly public land, agricultural land and residential land of 111 households.

According to the plan just proposed between the parties, from June 2024, Thanh Tri district and Hoang Mai district will begin gradually handing over the site to the investor to implement the project construction according to the planned schedule.

However, the local delay in handing over the site caused the contractor to only carry out construction at the beginning and end of the project and not be able to deploy the next sections. Therefore, the risk of machinery having to wait for the existing ground is present.

The representative of the construction unit of package No. 1 said that they have signed a contract and committed to the investor to construct the project within 760 days but with the condition that the site must be available in time.

Therefore, the contractor recommends that the Hanoi People's Committee pay attention and direct Thanh Tri district and Hoang Mai district to soon clear the site to hand over the project according to the schedule set and committed by the parties.

After one year from the start date, the expressway project has only started construction at the beginning and end of the project. In the photo is the starting point of the project, at the intersection of Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway. Photo: Huu Chanh
After one year from the start date, the project connecting Phap Van Expressway and Ring Road 3 (Hanoi) has only started construction at the beginning and end of the project. In the photo is the starting point of the project, at the intersection of Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway. Photo: Huu Chanh
Here the contractor has completed the construction and installation of a number of bridge piers. Photo: Huu Chanh
Here the contractor has completed the construction and installation of a number of bridge piers. Photo: Huu Chanh
An underground tunnel in the project area was deeply flooded, making people's travel difficult. Photo: Huu Chanh
An underground tunnel in the project area was deeply flooded, making people's travel difficult. Photo: Huu Chanh
The status of construction is also taking place at the end of the project, at the intersection with Ring Road 3. Photo: Huu Chanh
The status of construction is also taking place at the end of the project, at the intersection with Ring Road 3. Photo: Huu Chanh
The 130 m long, 2 m high barrier was erected at Ring Road 3 in early 2024 for project construction.
A 130m long, 2m high barrier was erected at Ring Road 3 in early 2024 for project construction. Photo: Huu Chanh
Here, the contractor will construct 6 bridge abutments.
Here, the contractor will construct 6 bridge piers and 1 bridge abutment. The construction unit said that because there is no more space, the next sections cannot be deployed. Photo: Huu Chanh
Workers are making steel cages to serve the construction of bored piles for bridge foundations. Photo: Huu Chanh
Workers are making steel cages to serve the construction of bored piles for bridge foundations. Photo: Huu Chanh
The project stretches more than 3 km but construction only takes place at the beginning and end of the project. If the authorities of Hoang Mai and Thanh Tri districts delay handing over the site, the project will not be able to finish on schedule in 2025. Photo: Huu Chanh
The project stretches more than 3km but construction only takes place at the beginning and end of the project. If the authorities of Hoang Mai and Thanh Tri districts delay handing over the site, the project will not be able to finish on schedule in 2025. Photo: Huu Chanh

2 đường ùn tắc triền miên ở Hà Nội sắp hoàn thành mở rộng


Hà Nội - Dự án nâng cấp, mở rộng đường Xuân Diệu và Âu Cơ - Nghi Tàm, tổng vốn đầu tư gần 1.000 tỉ đồng sắp hoàn thành mở rộng, giúp giảm ùn tắc giao thông.

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