Bac A Bank launches "super preferential" combo for guarantor businesses

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Entering the year-end revenue breakthrough acceleration phase, Bac A Bank launched the campaign "Accompanying prosperity with guarantor businesses" - including a preferential guarantee fee program and a Combo package of outstanding financial solutions; to enhance the capacity of businesses to easily realize business opportunities.

Issuing a guarantee from a reputable bank is an essential service for all businesses when they need to demonstrate their capacity and increase their competitiveness in the market. A business being guaranteed by a bank is equivalent to confirming the financial health of the business, thereby opening up more business opportunities; at the same time helping to minimize financial risks in trading activities. With many outstanding benefits like that, the demand for issuing guarantees from businesses is increasing, proportional to the signs of recovery and prosperity of the economy in general. The banking system also quickly grasped the positive trends of the market to launch many incentive packages related to guarantee services.

Ảnh: Bac A Bank
Photo: Bac A Bank

“We do not only offer individual incentives for guarantee services but have also built a financial solution combo package that meets the maximum needs of the business community. With this combo, businesses issuing guarantees at Bac A Bank will enjoy comprehensive incentives from guarantee issuance fees reduced by up to 50%; free of a series of utilities such as account opening fees with beautiful numbers, domestic money transfer fees; as well as free 01 year of e-Banking & SMS banking services... in addition to super attractive interest rates from only 5%/year for medium and long-term loans and 6.6%/year for short-term loans”, said a representative of this bank.

Effective until December 31, 2024, the campaign "Accompanying prosperity with guarantor businesses" is considered quite comprehensive because of the optimization of customer benefits: 0% guarantee deposit rate; release of advance guarantee money up to 100% with flexible fee collection method. Diverse collateral assets, accordingly accepting Debt Claim Rights as a type of collateral.

A representative of Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank also said: “In addition to preferential fees and flexible conditions, we are confident in the quality of service from a team of professional and dedicated staff. Bac A Bank's experienced specialists will advise on choosing the appropriate guarantee method, support businesses to complete procedures quickly as well as handle issues related to transactions with third parties, if any. The human factor will help businesses that guarantee at Bac A Bank have more advantages to ensure competitiveness in each project.”

Since the beginning of 2024, under the direction and guidance of the State Bank, in order to create growth momentum for the economy, the banking system has strengthened close and effective coordination and implemented many incentive programs to support businesses on the path to recovering production and business. Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank has also actively responded to the policy by continuously launching diverse incentive programs to the market, fully serving the financial needs arising throughout each business cycle. These include: The preferential interest rate program for medium and long-term loans "Stable Finance - Ready to Breakthrough" with a minimum interest rate of only 5%/year. The program "Competitive Fees - Breakthrough Business" applies a "zero fee list" for a variety of services provided such as opening a beautiful account number, guarantee, international payment, trade finance, free early repayment for loans within the credit limit; Preferential policy of salary payment service via Bac A Bank account with many cost items exempted up to 100%; along with many typical products highly appreciated in the market such as Credit products for Small and Medium Enterprises; Loan products for supplementing working capital; Super fast credit products for micro-enterprise customers; Credit products for customers in specific industries such as Pharmacy - medical, Rice business, Seafood business...

Ảnh: Bac A Bank
Photo: Bac A Bank

With a product ecosystem and comprehensive incentive policies, Bac A Bank wishes to accompany and motivate corporate customers to achieve profit goals, make breakthroughs, and contribute to the country's economic growth.

To optimize benefits and receive advice from our team of experts to design a package of incentive programs suitable for your business's characteristics, please visit the website:, or contact the Customer Care Center at 1800 588 828 or the Bac A Bank nationwide Branch/Transaction Office system.

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