Electricity prices increase, businesses struggle to find ways to cope

Cường Ngô |

Electricity prices increased by 4.8%, bringing the total increase in electricity prices over the past two years to over 12%. Many manufacturing enterprises and consumers have had to find ways to cut production and living costs in the face of increasing price pressure.

Maximum savings to cope with electricity price increases

The fact that Vietnam Electricity Group - EVN increased the electricity price from 2,006.79 VND (November 2023) to 2,103.11 VND/kWh (from October 11) made Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh - CEO of a food production enterprise in Hanoi - very worried.

He said that recently, other production materials such as packaging and product shells have increased by more than 20%. However, his company does not dare to increase product prices partly because it wants to retain customers, partly because many contracts have been signed since the beginning of the year, making it difficult to adjust, and now that the electricity price has increased to VND2,103.11/kWh, the difficulties for the company will be even greater.

"I know the electricity industry is facing difficulties due to the sudden increase in fuel prices. Increasing electricity prices is also urgent at this time, but increasing by 4.8% is really a huge challenge for businesses, especially when the whole country is working together to overcome the severe consequences left by Typhoon Yagi (Typhoon No. 3). Increasing electricity prices also indirectly increases other costs, including the prices of input food products, so businesses are suffering a double impact," said Mr. Minh.

To cope with the increase in electricity prices, Mr. Minh said that businesses must take proactive measures such as optimizing the use of electrical equipment in the office, especially air conditioners, computers, and lighting. At the same time, they must educate employees to use electricity economically and reasonably, turn off unnecessary electrical equipment, and re-evaluate machines that consume a lot of energy.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuan (Hanoi) - owner of a snail restaurant on An Khanh Street (Hoai Duc District, Hanoi) - also said that after storm No. 3 (Yagi) passed, the prices of essential food items, especially green vegetables, increased sharply. Now, the retail price of electricity continues to increase, forcing her to change the restaurant's menu by increasing it by more than 10%.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang - General Director of Dap Cau Garment Company - said that the increase in electricity prices has caused many other costs to "follow suit", causing production costs to increase by 10% since the beginning of this year. Product prices have increased, competitiveness has decreased, forcing businesses to find ways to reduce all types of costs to minimize savings, especially reducing electricity consumption.

The preferred solution is to rearrange production hours to be more reasonable, reduce production time during peak hours and increase efficiency and production performance during off-peak hours with low electricity prices. In particular, this enterprise is also calculating to install additional rooftop solar power systems, both proactively supplying electricity and meeting green standard orders from customers.

What does EVN say about the electricity price increase?

Explaining the increase in retail electricity prices, on October 14, an EVN representative said that in reality, the cost of electricity production is affected by many input factors regarding electricity output, coal, oil, gas prices, foreign exchange rates, etc. In particular, the source structure fluctuates in an unfavorable direction when sources of electricity purchase with low prices decrease, and sources of electricity purchase with expensive prices increase compared to 2022.

EVN said that although the prices of coal and gas fuels in 2023 decreased compared to 2022, they are still high compared to the period of 2020-2021. In particular, the price of blended coal (between domestic and imported coal) in 2023 supplied by Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Group and Dong Bac Corporation to thermal power plants is still maintained at a high level, 29% to 35% higher (depending on the type of coal) than the price of blended coal applied in 2021 (the period before coal prices increased dramatically in 2022-2023).

Load demand has increased over the years while there are not many new low-cost power projects coming into operation. The total purchased and imported electricity output at the delivery point increased by 11.8 billion kWh compared to 2022, equivalent to an increase of 4.6%.

To meet the increasing demand for electricity, EVN must purchase additional electricity from sources with production costs much higher than the retail price of electricity, such as thermal power sources using imported coal and oil-fired thermal power.

Speaking with Lao Dong, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Nam - Deputy General Director of EVN - informed that the actual electricity price increased much higher, however, EVN has balanced social security factors, reduced the impact on people's lives and the economy, so it decided to increase by 4.8%.

According to Mr. Tran Viet Hoa - Director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, if the electricity price remains the same, EVN will continue to lose money. This will affect the preservation and development of state capital at EVN, greatly impact the production and financial activities of this group, affecting the assurance of electricity supply and energy security.

How will stock groups be affected by the increase in electricity prices?

MBS Securities analysts believe that the increase in electricity prices is a positive signal for electricity stocks because it will support the cash flow of power plants. Meanwhile, stocks in the steel, cement, chemical, paper, etc. industries will be affected in the opposite direction. However, it should be noted that the level of stock price fluctuations depends on many other factors, in addition to electricity prices.

How much more will electricity users have to pay?

According to EVN, 17.4 million households (31%) with electricity usage of 200kWh/month or less will have an additional cost of VND13,800/month. This increase will not have a significant impact. For households with electricity usage of over 200-300kWh/month, the average additional cost will be VND32,000/month. For households with electricity usage of 300-400kWh/month, the additional cost will be VND47,000. For households with usage of 400kWh or more, the additional cost will be more than VND62,000.

For service business customers (547,000 customers), each household will pay an average of 247,000 VND more. For production households (1.921 million customers), this increase will increase the electricity bill to 499,000 VND/month; for enterprise customers (691,000 customers), an increase of 91,000 VND.

Cường Ngô

EVN khó thoát lỗ dù tăng giá điện

Anh Tuấn |

Sau quyết định điều chỉnh tăng giá bán lẻ điện bình quân thêm 4,8% từ ngày 11.10, câu hỏi được dư luận quan tâm là EVN liệu có thoát lỗ.

Giá điện tăng, doanh nghiệp lo chi phí sản xuất tăng theo

Anh Tuấn |

Việc EVN điều chỉnh giá điện tăng thêm 4,8% kể từ ngày 11.10 đang tạo ra áp lực không nhỏ cho các doanh nghiệp sản xuất.

Giá điện tăng ảnh hưởng "ở mức vừa phải" tới khách hàng phổ biến

Cường Ngô |

Đại diện EVN cho rằng, việc tăng giá điện lên 2.103,11 đồng/kWh, tương ứng 4,8% không làm ảnh hưởng đến đời sống nhân dân.

Trực đêm 12 giờ chưa mua nổi bát phở, nhân viên y tế mong sớm nâng phụ cấp

Lệ Hà |

Trong lúc áp lực công việc ngày càng tăng, lương cơ sở được điều chỉnh tăng tới 8 lần, phụ cấp trực của nhân viên y tế vẫn “duy trì bền vững” trong gần 15 năm nay với mức rất thấp. Do đó, đề xuất của Bộ Y tế về tăng phụ cấp trực tại các cơ sở y tế công lập nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm của người lao động ngành y.

Thủ đoạn của cán bộ địa chính xã ở Thái Bình vừa bị bắt giam


Thái Bình - Dù không có chức năng, nhiệm vụ thu tiền và thực hiện quy trình làm hồ sơ cấp sổ đỏ cho người dân, Thịnh vẫn “nổ” làm được, chiếm đoạt tiền.

Sẽ cưỡng chế các hộ không chịu di dời để làm cao tốc Bắc Nam


Quảng Bình - Huyện Lệ Thủy sẽ cưỡng chế thu hồi đất các hộ dân không chịu di dời để bàn giao cho nhà thầu thi công dự án cao tốc Bắc - Nam.

Dự báo thời điểm xuất hiện cơn bão mới gần Biển Đông

Khánh Minh |

Mùa bão 2024 vẫn chưa có hồi kết bởi các nhà dự báo bão đã chỉ ra thời điểm cơn bão mới sẽ xuất hiện.

Trục lợi bảo hiểm xã hội bằng giấy xuất - nhập viện giả mạo


Ngoài việc mua giấy xuất viện để nộp cho cơ quan, đơn vị nhằm hợp thức hóa lý do chậm trễ công việc, loại giấy này còn có nguy cơ được sử dụng với các mục đích nhằm trục lợi bảo hiểm xã hội.

EVN finds it difficult to escape losses despite electricity price increase

Anh Tuấn |

After the decision to increase the average retail electricity price by 4.8% from October 11, the question of public interest is whether EVN can escape losses.

Electricity prices increase, businesses worry about increased production costs

Anh Tuấn |

EVN's adjustment of electricity prices by 4.8% since October 11 is creating no small amount of pressure on manufacturing enterprises.

Electricity price hikes have 'moderate' impact on average customers

Cường Ngô |

EVN representative said that increasing electricity price to 2,103.11 VND/kWh, equivalent to 4.8%, will not affect people's lives.