Open up the flow of public investment capital in Ninh Binh


Ninh Binh province is synchronously implementing financial and budget solutions to unlock resources and promote disbursement of public investment capital .

In 2024, the total public investment plan of Ninh Binh province assigned by the Prime Minister is 6,459.9 billion VND, including: Central budget capital of 611.38 billion VND; Local budget capital is 5,848.52 billion VND.

Ms. Dinh Thi Thuy Ngan - Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Ninh Binh province said that to strive to complete the disbursement target of over 95% of the 2024 State budget capital investment plan assigned by the Prime Minister. At the same time, based on the actual situation of implementing the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2021-2025 and the 2024 Public Investment Plan, capital sources are managed by the province.

The province has focused on directing and speeding up the implementation and disbursement of public investment projects; Regularly inspect the site and organize conferences to discuss solutions to speed up implementation progress. Identifying this as a key political task with important significance, creating a driving force for accelerating the province's socio-economic recovery and growth associated with ensuring quality, combating negativity, corruption and waste. .

Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee has established a working group to accelerate the implementation and disbursement of the 2024 public investment capital plan of works and projects in the province.

Along with that, the leaders of the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province have directed units to speed up the implementation of procedures, regularly check the actual implementation of projects and promptly review them. , direct the resolution of arising problems and problems, especially in site clearance work, creating conditions to speed up the progress of projects.

The Provincial People's Committee has requested departments, branches, People's Committees of districts and cities, and investors to identify public investment disbursement as one of the most important political tasks, seriously and decisively implement it. List solutions to promote disbursement, including all capital sources: Central budget, provincial budget, district budget, commune budget and unplanned additional capital sources... as required by the Government. Government, Prime Minister.

At the same time, investors coordinate with relevant sectors to review and accelerate the progress of projects, control and payment of public investment capital, and speed up investment capital disbursement procedures. projects that have not yet been disbursed and have a disbursement rate lower than the province's average disbursement rate.

The People's Committee of Ninh Binh province has also directed relevant sectors and localities to manage budget spending proactively, flexibly, effectively, with focus and key points, ensuring resources to carry out economic development tasks. - society, security, national defense, social security. In particular, priority is given to focusing capital resources to invest in key works and projects of the province. Review and cut down works and projects that are not really necessary or urgent. Only disburse works, projects and tasks according to budget collection progress.

In addition, investors in Ninh Binh province make advances, recover advances, accept acceptance, and pay investment capital in accordance with regulations and as soon as the volume is available. The advance, level of advance capital and recovery of advance capital are in accordance with regulations, ensuring effective use, avoiding loss and waste of assigned State budget capital.


Không để ngâm vốn, bứt tốc giải ngân đầu tư công

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