Renewable energy brings large budget revenue to Gia Lai


Gia Lai - Hydropower and renewable energy projects have contributed about 900 billion VND/year to the provincial budget.

On October 11, the Gia Lai Provincial Tax Department said that in the first 9 months of 2024, hydropower and wind power plants contributed 654.1 billion VND, accounting for 13.9% of the province's total domestic revenue.

Enterprises investing in hydropower development have paid 532.8 billion VND. Enterprises investing in wind power development have paid 121.3 billion VND.

Gia Lai Provincial Tax Department assessed that revenue from the renewable energy sector accounts for a fairly large proportion of the total domestic revenue structure managed by the tax sector.

Currently, hydropower and renewable energy projects contribute an average of about 900 billion VND/year to the budget, accounting for about 16% of Gia Lai's total budget revenue.

With its stable characteristics and large tax payments, it is expected that this revenue source will continue to contribute significantly in the following years, creating momentum for sustainable growth in Gia Lai province's budget revenue.

According to statistics, Gia Lai province currently has 82 hydropower projects. Of these, there are 7 large hydropower plants invested by Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) with a total capacity of 1,841 MW.

Gia Lai also has 88 planned power projects with a total capacity of more than 4,332 MW. Currently, renewable energy projects invested in construction and put into operation in the province are more than 3,250 MW.

Including hydropower plants (over 2,251 MW), solar power (61 MW), wind power (over 808 MW), biomass power (129.6 MW). In addition, Gia Lai also has 3,248 rooftop solar power systems with a total capacity of over 603 MWp.

In 2024, the Central Government assigned the budget revenue estimate for Gia Lai province at VND 5,624.5 billion. The estimate approved by the Provincial People's Council is VND 5,815 billion.

Total domestic revenue in the first 9 months of 2024, Gia Lai reached 4,687 billion VND, reaching 84.1% of the estimate assigned by the Central Government and 81.3% of the estimate assigned by the Provincial People's Council.


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Gia Lai actualizes the development of renewable energy


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