Farmers busy growing rice to reduce emissions


Mekong Delta - Farmers in localities are busy sowing rice to reduce emissions in the hope of a bumper crop.

After completing the pilot model of the Project of 1 million hectares of high-quality rice, reducing emissions associated with green growth in the Mekong Delta by 2023 (Project), Mr. Pham Hoang Tran in Long Duc commune (Long Phu district, Soc Trang province) was busy improving the land and sowing the 2024 Winter-Spring crop.

Mr. Tran said that in the last Summer-Autumn crop, he participated in the Project with an area of ​​3,000m2. During the cultivation process, with the support of mechanization, rice was sown and fertilized, reducing the amount of seeds to 60kg/ha (10kg less than row sowing), reducing 4 times of spraying pesticides and reducing over 40% of nitrogen fertilizer. Total input costs were reduced by 10-15%.

“The efficiency has helped reduce production costs and increase profits for rice growers. So this winter-spring crop, I boldly registered to participate on more than 2 hectares,” said Mr. Tran.

According to Mr. Tran, growing rice to reduce emissions also helps limit soil and water pollution, increases beneficial microorganisms, and is especially safe for both farmers and consumers.

Sa lua ket hop chien dau giup nong dan giam luong tuong tu, giam so lan phan bon trong suot qua trinh hoat dong. Anh: Phuong Anh
Sowing rice combined with burying fertilizer helps farmers reduce the amount of seeds and the number of times they apply fertilizer during the production process. Photo: Phuong Anh

Not far away, Mr. Huynh Van Chin's family also went to the field to sow more than 1 hectare of rice. Mr. Chin said that this was the first crop he participated in after seeing the effectiveness of previous rice-growing households that reduced emissions.

“Normally, the cost of sowing is 60,000 VND/1,000m2, and fertilizing is 20,000 VND. But when I joined the Project, I was supported 100% of the cost of sowing, 50% of seeds, and agricultural materials, so the input cost was greatly reduced. That is an attractive condition for many rice farmers like me to participate,” said Mr. Chin.

Mr. Truong Van Hung - Director of Hung Loi Agricultural Cooperative (Long Duc commune, Long Phu district, Soc Trang province) informed that in the 2024 Winter-Spring crop, the Cooperative has 50 hectares participating in the Project, the selected variety is ST25. The cultivation period is 105 days, harvested before Lunar New Year 2025.

Mr. Hung added that the 50 hectares of rice that were piloted in the project in the last Summer-Autumn crop, despite reducing seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, still achieved high yields of 6.5 - 7 tons/ha, with a selling price of 10,800 - 11,000 VND/kg. After deducting costs, the profit was 5.2 million VND higher than the outside model.

Vu lua Dong Xuan 2024, toan tinh Soc Trang co 340 ha lua chuyen canh chat luong cao, giam phat thai. Anh: Phuong Anh
In the 2024 Winter-Spring rice crop, the entire Soc Trang province will have 340 hectares of high-quality, emission-reducing specialized rice. Photo: Phuong Anh

According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Soc Trang province, in the 2024 Winter-Spring crop, the province will pilot 340 hectares of high-quality rice cultivation in localities. By 2025, the whole province will have 38,500 hectares and 76,000 hectares by 2030.

Similarly, in Can Tho City, there are 2 models in the Autumn-Winter and Winter-Spring crops with an area of ​​200 hectares. Tra Vinh province has 2 models in the Autumn-Winter crop of 2024 and Kien Giang province planted 1 model on 10.79 hectares of shrimp-rice land.


Nông dân Sóc Trăng hào hứng trồng lúa giảm phát thải


Sóc Trăng - Nông dân hào hứng tham gia trồng lúa giảm phát thải, bởi theo họ mô hình này giúp giảm chi phí sản xuất, tăng lợi nhuận.

Mùa vàng trên cánh đồng lúa chất lượng cao, giảm phát thải


Không chỉ giảm chi phí, tăng năng suất mà lợi nhuận của người trồng lúa chất lượng cao, giảm phát thải còn được tăng thêm.

Lúa giảm phát thải sinh lời


Những diện tích lúa giảm phát thải đầu tiên ở ĐBSCL đã được doanh nghiệp thu mua với giá cao hơn thị trường.

Nhiều băn khoăn với đề xuất đánh thuế bất động sản thứ 2


Nhiều ý kiến cho rằng, việc áp thuế đối với nhà, đất thứ 2 chỉ xem xét sử dụng khi có những hành vi gây ảnh hưởng thiếu tích cực đến thị trường.

Vì sao nguyên Chủ tịch và loạt cán bộ Quảng Xương bị bắt?

Xuân Hùng |

Thanh Hóa - Nguyên Chủ tịch huyện Quảng Xương và 4 thuộc cấp bị bắt liên quan đến việc cấp sổ đỏ trái quy định.

Ô nhiễm tại làng tỉ phú ở Bắc Ninh chưa chuyển biến

Vân Trường |

Dù chính quyền các cấp tỉnh Bắc Ninh thời gian qua đã nỗ lực xử lý nhưng đến nay tình trạng ô nhiễm tại làng Mẫn Xá chưa chuyển biến.

Minh Dự lập vi bằng khi bị tố thác loạn, chèn ép nghệ sĩ trẻ


Minh Dự chính thức lên tiếng về ồn ào anh bị tố mở tiệc thác loạn, chèn ép đồng nghiệp trẻ.

Giao thông tại Vườn Quốc gia Ba Vì sau thông tin sạt lở


Hà Nội - Chiều ngày 2.10, một số trang truyền thông trên mạng xã hội đã đưa tin “Ba Vì vừa xảy ra sạt lở tại đường lên Đền Thượng - Vườn quốc gia Ba Vì”.

Soc Trang farmers are excited to grow rice to reduce emissions


Soc Trang - Farmers are excited to participate in growing rice to reduce emissions, because according to them this model helps reduce production costs and increase profits.

Golden season on high quality rice fields, reducing emissions


Not only does it reduce costs and increase productivity, but the profits of high-quality rice growers and reduced emissions are also increased.

Profitable low-emission rice


The first areas of emission-reducing rice in the Mekong Delta have been purchased by businesses at prices higher than the market.