Farmers earn hundreds of millions of dong from raising cobras


The farm raising 5,000 cobras helps Mr. Phan Thanh Binh in Soc Trang province earn hundreds of millions of dong each year.

Visiting Mr. Phan Thanh Binh's cobra farm in My Tu commune, My Tu district (Soc Trang province), the reporter could not help but be surprised at the scale and number of snakes up to 5,000 and raised in 4 places. Separate farming area for easy management and care.

Mr. Phan Thanh Binh (My Tu, Soc Trang) is checking the snake's weight. Photo: Phuong Anh
Mr. Phan Thanh Binh (My Tu, Soc Trang) is checking the snake's weight. Photo: Phuong Anh

Sharing about his fate with legless reptiles , Mr. Binh said that in 2015, he accidentally learned that raising cobras brought high income, he researched and decided to implement the model. After being granted a license by the Forest Protection Department of Soc Trang province, Mr. Binh bought 70 snake breeds in Vinh Long province to raise.

Initially, due to lack of experience in raising snakes, many snakes died. After finding out the reason, Mr. Binh was able to tame the dangerous pet .

After nearly 10 years of raising, Mr. Binh now owns a herd of up to 5,000 snakes. Of which, there are more than 1,000 parent snakes and maintain 2,000 - 3,000 commercial snakes to supply to the market.

According to Mr. Binh, if you want to raise cobras, you must register and be licensed by the authorities. In particular, to ensure the safety of farmers and people around, snake cages must be built to meet prescribed standards.

Each commercial snake is raised separately for each class to develop evenly. Photo: Phuong Anh
Each commercial snake is kept in separate cages to develop evenly. Photo: Phuong Anh

“Cobras are very dangerous. Therefore, snake farms are built separately from neighboring households. Each area is solidly built of concrete and has a securely locked door. Breeding snakes raised in cages, parent snakes, commercial snakes raised in drawers. Each box is 40cm wide, 1m deep and covered with a layer of soil about 5cm thick. The drawers are carefully covered with small iron mesh," Mr. Binh shared.

According to Mr. Binh, although it is a dangerous animal, cobras are easy to raise and require little care. Feed the snake once every 5 days with duck meat. Snakes raised for about 15 - 17 months, weighing 2 - 3 kg/head, can be sold. As for breeding snakes, they only lay once a year in October, each laying 20-30 eggs/time and the eggs are hatched at a rate of over 97%. After the eggs hatch, the baby snakes are raised for about 2 months and then sold as breeders.

Currently, commercial snakes cost 700,000 - 750,000 VND/kg, and seed snakes range from 100,000 - 300,000 VND/head. On average, Mr. Binh sells 300 - 500kg each month. After deducting expenses, he earns a profit of several hundred million dong each year.

Snake cages are carefully designed. Photo: Phuong Anh
Snake cages are carefully designed. Photo: Phuong Anh

Mr. Binh added that although it is an ideal model for high economic profits. However, the cost to raise this reptile is relatively high. In addition, cobras are dangerous pets. When raising them, you need to have a thorough understanding of the care process as well as approval from the agency. function when there is a need to develop the model.


Xuất hiện đàn chim cổ rắn quý hiếm ở Đồng Nai


Đồng Nai - Một đàn chim cổ rắn cực kỳ quý hiếm, nằm trong nhóm có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng vừa tiếp tục xuất hiện trong Khu du lịch Bửu Long, TP Biên Hòa.

Miền Tây Chào Ngày Mới: Táo bạo nghề nuôi rắn hổ mang làm giàu


ĐBSCL phải hoàn thành 500-600km cao tốc trong nhiệm kỳ này; Mưa lớn, TP Phú Quốc ngập nặng; Đường hơn 2km ở Bạc Liêu làm mãi không xong; Tái diễn chợ tự phát trước cổng khu công nghiệp ở Hậu Giang; Táo bạo nghề nuôi rắn hổ mang làm giàu là những nội dung có trong chương trình Miền Tây Chào Ngày Mới hôm nay.

Mục sở thị trang trại ở Sóc Trăng nuôi 5.000 con rắn hổ mang


Sóc Trăng - Anh Phan Thanh Bình ở xã Mỹ Tú, huyện Mỹ Tú chọn rắn hổ mang là mô hình kinh tế. Hiện với trang trại khoảng 5.000 con giúp gia đình có thu nhập vài trăm triệu đồng mỗi năm.

Chồng chéo rừng phòng hộ, dân gặp khó khi thu hoạch rừng keo


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Sắp trình Chủ tịch nước danh sách phạm nhân được đặc xá


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Công nhân Nhà máy xử lý rác Bảo Lộc mòn mỏi đợi chờ lương


Nhà máy xử lý rác ở Lâm Đồng hứa sẽ giải quyết một phần tiền lương trước ngày 15.9, nhưng đến nay, người lao động vẫn mòn mỏi đợi chờ.

Giờ thứ 9: Giao kèo hôn nhân - Phần 1

Nhóm PV |

Giờ thứ 9 - Hai nhân vật trong câu chuyện là bạn thân. Vì gia đình thúc ép, họ đã đến với nhau bằng một bản hợp đồng hôn nhân. Họ sẽ sống với nhau như thế nào?

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Bình Thuận - Gia đình bé bị đánh rất xót con nhưng sẽ tha thứ cho cô. Chủ nhà trẻ xin lỗi vì quá nóng giận. Địa phương đã đình chỉ nhà trẻ.

A flock of rare snake-necked birds appears in Dong Nai


Dong Nai - A flock of extremely rare snake-necked birds , in the endangered group, has just continued to appear in Buu Long Tourist Area, Bien Hoa City.

Welcome to a New Day in the West: Dare to raise cobras to get rich


The Mekong Delta must complete 500-600km of expressways during this term; Heavy rain, Phu Quoc City was heavily flooded; The road of more than 2km in Bac Lieu took forever to complete; Recurring a spontaneous market in front of the industrial park gate in Hau Giang; The daring career of raising cobras to get rich is the content in today's program Western Welcome New Day .

The owner of a farm in Soc Trang raises 5,000 cobras


Soc Trang - Mr. Phan Thanh Binh in My Tu commune, My Tu district chose cobra as an economic model. Currently, the farm has about 5,000 animals, helping the family earn several hundred million dong each year.