The 6-12-25 method is a structured exercise that targets a group of muscles in each set using different exercises with a minimum rest period of 10-15 seconds between exercises.
6 sets of heavy complex exercises: This is the most difficult exercise, requiring you to lift the heaviest weights.
12 moderate repetitions: You use lighter dumbbells than a 6-repeat exercise.
25 reps of light exercise: You will focus on muscle endurance. You will use light weights that you can do 25 reps.
Chest and arm exercises
1. BST Push-ups (6 times)
Hold two heavy weights and lie flat on a chair or floor. Start on your back (upper hand) with your palms facing away towards your feet.
Exhale as you push the dumbbells up and in until your arms are almost completely stretched out and the dumbbells are close to each other. Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows again, gently lowering your arms back to the starting position. Do 6 reps.
2. Cable chest flight (12 reps)
Place a net on a pair of cables at chest height and stand in the middle. Place the weight on the cable in moderation. Hold your palms tightly with your palms facing forward and raise your arms out to the sides.
Step up a few steps to create tension for the cable, making sure your elbows are still slightly bent. Place your feet so apart that one foot is in front of the other.
Tighten your body, then pull your arms together in front, stopping when your hands are touching. Return to the starting position. Do 12 reps.
3. Push up the threads (25 times)
Attach a handheld rope to the high-voltage line of the cable. Place the weight on the cable with 1 lightweight.
Hold each side of the rope handle firmly, palms facing down.
Bend your elbows to the sides, tighten your body and straighten your elbows by moving your palms toward the floor, keeping your upper arms stable.
Once your elbows are fully stretched, bend them back to a 90-degree position, returning to the starting position. Do 25 reps.