Union, workers for the goal of business development

Linh Nguyên |

The role of the Trade Union in actively helping businesses promote their internal strength, improve productivity, quality, and increase competitiveness in the integration period has been proven. Because the Trade Union not only protects the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers, but also always accompanies businesses for sustainable development.

Accompanying employees to build businesses

Regarding the relationship with the Trade Union, Mr. Okutani Masahiro - General Director of Yamaha Motor Vietnam Co., Ltd. - said that the company's management always promotes the connection between the Trade Union to create conditions in terms of time and support additional funding for organizing internal emulation movements; organize many cultural, artistic and sports activities to help employees have a high working spirit, helping to increase labor productivity...

Currently, there are many enterprises with such a viewpoint. Through this, it can be seen that enterprises value the role of the Trade Union and to gain that respect, the Trade Union organization, especially the grassroots Trade Union, has had effective activities, contributing significantly to the process of overcoming difficulties and developing the enterprise.

One of the effective activities of the Trade Union that is highly appreciated by enterprises is organizing emulation movements that are suitable for reality, bringing practical results to both benefit enterprises and help workers increase their income. In 2024, out of a total of 801 initiatives sent to the Hanoi City Labor Federation for commendation, 736 initiatives were calculated to have monetary benefits with a profit of more than 563 billion VND. Many initiatives of workers that have been applied not only bring high economic efficiency, benefiting enterprises with tens and hundreds of billions of VND each year, but many initiatives also have positive implications for social security, creating jobs for thousands of workers in the capital.

As one of the people with many technical innovation initiatives that benefit the business, Mr. Ta Dinh Nhat - who has worked for more than 10 years at Meiko Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd., has always actively participated in emulation movements launched and implemented by the Union. Most recently, he had an initiative to improve the circuit board pressing process, saving circuit board pressing materials, helping the business save nearly 1 billion VND per month. Talking about his initiative, Mr. Nhat said that he had come up with an improvement to reduce costs, first of all, each circuit board had to use 2 sheets of material for pressing, then discarded, which was very expensive.

During his work, Mr. Nhat realized this, so he researched and came up with the initiative to press 3 layers of goods but only used 2 sheets of material, saving nearly 1 billion VND for the company in 1 month. The factor that motivated Mr. Nhat and other employees in the company to actively promote initiatives was the encouragement and facilitation of the Trade Union. In addition, each of their initiatives was recognized with certificates of merit and rewards from the company, so each employee had the spirit of daring to think and daring to do.

Understanding the needs of the business, each emulation movement launched by the Union is suitable for reality, thereby creating a creative environment for employees. Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyen - an excellent employee of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Vietnam Co., Ltd. is one of many employees who are motivated by that. With an intermediate level of expertise but with a strong creative spirit, Ms. Nguyen always affirms her pioneering role in the improvement movement at the company.

One of her successes is improving the U-Wavepak software to measure molds and jigs and automatically save data instead of measuring molds and jigs depending on calipers and manual recording, leading to the risk of errors and delays in quality assessment.

Thanks to this initiative, measurements are performed automatically and more accurately, and the system also warns if the data is out of standard, helping to increase accuracy and processing speed. The improvements of Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyen bring great benefits to Sumitomo Heavy Industries not only financially but also in terms of process efficiency and production quality...

According to the Chairman of the Trade Union of Meiko Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. - Phan Thanh Hai, realizing that employees are the most valuable assets of the enterprise and that the creativity and dedication of employees are the driving force for the sustainable development of the enterprise, for many years the company's trade union executive board has coordinated with specialized departments and divisions to widely launch emulation movements throughout the company. From the emulation movements, employees in the company have had many useful creative initiatives in labor and production, bringing great benefits to the Company and contributing to the expansion of the movement.

After receiving and synthesizing the initiatives of the employees, the company's Scientific Council evaluates the value of benefits, scientific and novel nature, practical application, image and brand building, safety, etc. of each initiative. From there, select the winning initiatives and propose to the company's leadership to recognize and reward these initiatives. In addition to timely encouragement and rewards, every year, the company also organizes vocational competitions for workers in the production departments, so that workers have the opportunity to experience and improve their skills. The company always creates conditions in terms of time, equipment, and tools for implementation.

The union has coordinated with employers to organize innovation competitions, strong factory competitions, and skill training in production teams and the entire company. Mr. Hai emphasized that in order for employees to truly compete in the innovation and creativity movement, it is necessary not only to create conditions and timely rewards but also to propagate and educate them so that they see their responsibility towards the enterprise, and be ready to share when the enterprise encounters difficulties...

Thi sinh tham du Hoi thi tho gioi trong CNLD nganh Xay dung Ha Noi nam 2024 do Cong doan nganh Xay dung Ha Noi phoi hop So Xay dung to chuc. Anh: Le Thanh
Candidates attend the 2024 Competition for Skilled Workers in the Hanoi Construction Industry organized by the Hanoi Construction Industry Trade Union in coordination with the Department of Construction. Photo: Le Thanh

Building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations

Dialogue, negotiation and signing of collective labor agreements between employers and employees play an important role in minimizing and resolving conflicts and disagreements between the parties; limiting labor disputes is also a solution to effectively protect the rights and interests of employees, contributing to building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations. Aware of that, trade unions at all levels always focus on implementing dialogue and collective bargaining, achieving positive results in many aspects. Dialogue work is widely deployed at all levels, solving many major and practical issues, affecting a large number of union members, employees and trade union organizations.

In the program "Improving the effectiveness of dialogue and collective bargaining in the period of 2023 - 2028" of the Executive Committee of the General Confederation of Labor, the annual target, notably, is that 100% of grassroots trade unions in state-owned enterprises and at least 85% of grassroots trade unions in non-state-owned enterprises and units participate with employers in promulgating and implementing grassroots democracy regulations; 100% of grassroots trade unions in state-owned enterprises and at least 85% of grassroots trade unions in non-state-owned enterprises and units coordinate with employers in organizing labor conferences and dialogues at the workplace.

When the Trade Union accompanies the enterprise, the rights and interests of the parties in the labor relationship are guaranteed and enhanced. This is very important to improve labor productivity. The Trade Union will focus on promoting the role of representative organizations, especially the role of participating in socio-economic management, acting as a bridge to carry out policy dialogue activities, and sharing experiences on increasing labor productivity. Coordinate with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to research and propose the development of programs to support and develop vocational skills and life skills for workers. Coordinate, exchange, and dialogue with the business community, investors, workers, researchers and propose appropriate solutions to increase labor productivity.

Reality shows that finding bottlenecks, difficulties, and obstacles in improving labor productivity, at the same time providing good models, good practices, and proposing, recommending, and providing specific solutions are the things that the Vietnam Trade Union has been, is, and will be doing to accompany businesses. This accompanying with businesses not only ensures jobs and income for workers, but also makes an important contribution to socio-economic development.

Patriotic emulation movements launched by the Trade Union, focusing on the emulation movement "Good workers, Creative workers" have attracted a large number of union members and workers to participate, creating a vibrant and widespread revolutionary action movement with millions of initiatives implemented in recent times. In particular, the program "1 million initiatives - efforts to overcome difficulties, creativity, determination to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic" in the period of 2022 - 2023 has been successful beyond expectations, reaching 200% of the set target with more than 2 million participating initiatives, demonstrating the creativity and intelligence of workers to promptly adapt to the complicated epidemic context, contributing to increasing labor productivity, restoring and developing production and business activities of enterprises.

Linh Nguyên

Quyền lợi người lao động là trọng tâm hoạt động công đoàn

Xuân Hùng |

Thời gian qua, cùng với việc tổ chức phát động nhiều phong trào thi đua sôi nổi, có ý nghĩa thiết thực với người lao động, các cấp Công đoàn Thanh Hóa làm tốt chức năng chăm lo đời sống vật chất cũng như tinh thần cho cán bộ, đoàn viên, người lao động.

Chăm lo phúc lợi đồng bộ, dài hạn cho đoàn viên công đoàn

Bảo Hân - Hà Anh |

Được tặng quà, mua hàng giảm giá, giá 0 đồng, giúp không ít công nhân vơi bớt phần nào khó khăn, vững vàng hơn trong cuộc sống cũng như thêm tin tưởng vào tổ chức Công đoàn. Nhận thức được ý nghĩa to lớn đó, hiện nay, các cấp Công đoàn Việt Nam đang chăm lo phúc lợi cho đoàn viên, người lao động theo hướng đồng bộ, ổn định, dài hạn...

Điều kiện để lao động được công đoàn hỗ trợ kinh phí xây nhà

Phương Linh |

Xây nhà mới, lao động khó khăn về nhà ở tại Khánh Hòa đáp ứng các điều kiện sẽ được Công đoàn hỗ trợ 60 triệu đồng/trường hợp.

Điểm mới trong quy định về phân phối kinh phí công đoàn 2%

Nhóm phóng viên |

Dự thảo Luật Công đoàn (sửa đổi) không quy định việc phân phối kinh phí công đoàn khi có nhiều tổ chức đại diện của người lao động.

Các chủ mỏ nói về 4 mỏ khoáng sản được đấu giá “trên trời”


Hà Tĩnh - Sau khi 2 doanh nghiệp đấu giá thắng 4 mỏ khoáng sản ở Hà Tĩnh với giá “trên trời”, một số chủ mỏ ở Hà Tĩnh đưa ra nhiều ý kiến trái chiều.

Video cận cảnh vụ tấn công khủng bố ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ

Thanh Hà - Hữu Chánh (Nguồn: AFP) |

Ít nhất 5 người thiệt mạng và 22 người khác bị thương trong vụ tấn công vào trụ sở của công ty hàng không vũ trụ và quốc phòng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ TUSAS ngày 23.10.

Người dân Yên Bái bất an vì xe chở cát chạy ngày lẫn đêm

Trần Bùi |

Thời gian qua, những đoàn xe tải chở cát có dấu hiệu quá khổ, quá tải chạy cả ngày lẫn đêm trên địa bàn xã Giới Phiên, TP Yên Bái khiến người dân bất an.

39 năm lái xe biển xanh vẫn nhận lương 5 triệu đồng/tháng

Bảo Nguyên |

Yên Bái - Hàng chục năm lái xe trong cơ quan nhà nước, phục vụ lãnh đạo sở ngành, nhiều tài xế bị bất ngờ khi mức lương quay về 5 triệu đồng mỗi tháng.

Workers' rights are the focus of trade union activities

Xuân Hùng |

In recent times, along with organizing and launching many exciting emulation movements with practical significance for workers, Thanh Hoa Trade Unions at all levels have performed well in taking care of the material and spiritual lives of cadres, union members and workers.

Take care of long-term, synchronous welfare for union members

Bảo Hân - Hà Anh |

Receiving gifts, buying discounted goods, and buying goods at zero dong prices, helps many workers to ease some of their difficulties, become more stable in life, and have more trust in the Trade Union organization. Realizing that great significance, currently, Vietnam Trade Unions at all levels are taking care of the welfare of union members and workers in a synchronous, stable, and long-term direction...

Conditions for workers to receive union support for house building costs

Phương Linh |

Building new houses, workers with housing difficulties in Khanh Hoa who meet the conditions will be supported by the Union with 60 million VND/case.