After reviewing the loan recipients who are union members who are borrowing capital from the Capital Poor Workers and Civil Servants Fund to develop their family economy, are in difficult circumstances, and strictly implement the terms of the contract; relatives of union members are spouses, parents-in-law, and children of union members who are in difficult circumstances but have not participated in voluntary health insurance, Thanh Tri District Labor Federation proposed that the Capital Support Fund consider donating community development products in 2024.
Accordingly, there are 5 union members in difficult circumstances, of which 3 union members at Ta Thanh Oai A and A Ngu Hiep Kindergartens received gift products and 2 union members at A Ngu Hiep and Ta Thanh Oai Kindergartens were awarded health insurance cards.
In 2024, the District Labor Federation coordinated with the Capital Poor Workers and Civil Servants Fund to develop family economy and disburse loans to 155 union members at 23 grassroots unions. The loan products are diverse, such as business development to improve income, improve living conditions, improve housing, support vocational training... with reasonable interest rates and no collateral.
In 2025, Thanh Tri District Labor Federation will continue to coordinate and promote the activities of the Capital Support Fund to support more union members and workers to have conditions to develop their family economy, stabilize their lives, and ensure social security.