With the emulation theme: Determination to innovate, actively create, improve labor productivity, work efficiency, save, fight waste, welcome the Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party, the Patriotic Emulation Congress at all levels, the 11th National Patriotic Emulation Congress, the emulation movement in Son Tay town will be held in 2 rounds. Phase 1 from the beginning of the year to June 30, phase 2 from July 1 to December 31, 2025.
In addition, the Standing Committee of the Son Tay Town Labor Federation also developed a plan to implement the Morning - Green - Clean - Beautiful movement and build a smoke-free working environment at agencies, units, and enterprises with grassroots trade unions under the 2025 - 2028 period.
The Son Tay Town Labor Federation requires affiliated grassroots unions to coordinate with authorities at the same level to organize planting and care for trees; organize and implement emulation movements "Sment-free agency", "clean weekend" to create a green, clean and beautiful landscape and working environment. Launching the project to renovate and decorate "Straight work Corner", "Green work Corner" to be decent and scientific.