The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has forecasted the weather trend for the season (from March to August 2025).
Regarding temperature trends, from March to May 2025, the average temperature across the country will be approximately the same as the average of many years. In May 2025 alone, the average temperature in the Northwest region will be 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher than the average of many years in the same period.
In June 2025, the average temperature across the country will be approximately the same as the average of many years. From July to August 2025, the temperature will be 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher than the average of many years in the same period.
The activity of cold air in March 2025 is approximately the average of many years with the center of the continental cold high pressure tending to deviate to the east, causing many days of light rain, drizzle and fog in the northern provinces. From April 2025, the activity of cold air will gradually decrease.
The hot weather is likely to appear later in the Central Highlands and the South with fewer hot days than in 2024. The Northern and Central regions in March - April 2025 will have hot weather, mainly in the Northwest and Central regions. The intensity of hot weather is likely to be less severe than the same period in 2024.
From May 2025, the heat in the Northern region will gradually spread to the east, the heat in the Central region is likely to increase.
In the Central Highlands and the South, widespread hot weather is likely to end from June 2025. From June to August 2025, the hot weather in the North and Central regions is likely to continue.
Regarding rainfall, the total rainfall in the Northern region in March - April 2025 is approximately the same as the average of many years. In May 2025, the total rainfall will be approximately 10 - 20% higher than the average of many years, in mountainous areas, it will be 5 - 15% lower.
The North Central region in March 2025 will have total rainfall at approximately the same level as the average of many years, generally from 40 - 80mm, some places are higher; in the Central Central and South Central regions, the average of many years in the same period is 5-10mm higher, generally 40 - 70mm.
In April 2025, the total rainfall in the North and Central Central regions is approximately the same as the average of many years, the South Central region is 10-20mm higher than the average of many years.
In May 2025, total rainfall will be 5-15% higher than the average of many years in the same period.
The Central Highlands and the South will have total rainfall in March 2025 5-10mm higher than the average of many years; generally 20-50mm, some places over 70mm. In April 2025, the total rainfall is 10-30mm higher than the average of many years.
In June - July 2025, total rainfall is approximately the same as the average of many years in the same period; July - August is generally 250-500mm, some places are higher).
In the Central region from June to August 2025, total rainfall will be approximately the same as the average of many years in the same period.
In the Central Highlands and the South from June to August 2025, total rainfall will be approximately the same as the average of many years in the same period.