Millions of hearts of Da Nang people turn to the people of the North

Mai Hương |

In recent days, Da Nang city residents have had many meaningful activities towards people in the northern provinces affected by storm No. 3.

On September 17, the Da Nang tourism industry raised a total of nearly 2.1 billion VND. This amount will be sent to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Da Nang City to support flood victims.

In addition, the Da Nang Department of Tourism has called on the Da Nang Tourism Association, businesses and civil servants to continue spreading the spirit of mutual love and support, mobilizing employees and workers to participate in support until October 10.

Director of Da Nang Department of Tourism Truong Thi Hong Hanh said that the sharing and support at this time is a great source of encouragement, demonstrating the noble sentiment of compatriots, contributing to reducing pain, supporting people in disaster-stricken areas to soon restore production and stabilize their lives.

Nganh du lich Da Nang ung ho dong bao cac tinh, thanh pho khu vuc mien Bac khac phuc thiet hai do con bao so 3 (bao Yagi) gay ra. Anh: So Du lich TP Da Nang
Da Nang tourism industry supports people in the northern provinces and cities to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3 (storm Yagi). Photo: Da Nang Department of Tourism

Previously, on September 16, the Office of the People's Committee of Da Nang City participated in supporting people affected by storm No. 3. Promoting the tradition of solidarity, mutual love, and helping each other, all officials, civil servants, public employees and workers of the Office of the People's Committee of Da Nang City donated to share and provide relief to people in the northern localities with a total amount of VND 112,578,515 (including on-site support and 1 day's salary).

Nguoi dan quan Son Tra goi banh chung ung ho dong bao phia Bac. Anh: Mai Huong
People in Son Tra district wrap banh chung to support their compatriots in the North. Photo: Mai Huong

Together with the Da Nang government, people have also had many practical and meaningful activities towards the people in the North such as wrapping banh chung, giving life jackets, mobilizing human resources to support... Trucks loaded with "love" and essential items and necessities have been rolling towards the North.

Many residential areas in the city have been burning all night to cook and send food to people in flooded areas. Kindergarten students have been collecting old sandals to send to children in the highlands.

People on An Hai Dong 1 Street (Son Tra District) worked together overnight to wrap Chung cakes to send to people in the flood-hit areas of the North. Ms. Ho Thi Doa (a resident of Son Tra District) said: "We didn't tell each other, each person had a job, some washed dong leaves, some wrapped the cakes... Hopefully we can help people in the flood-hit areas reduce some of their difficulties."

Thanh Doan Da Nang van chuyen hang hoa toi ba con vung lu. Anh: Mai Huong
Da Nang City Youth Union transports goods to people in flooded areas. Photo: Mai Huong

In Ngu Hanh Son district, people used more than 100kg of sticky rice to wrap Chung cakes to send to people in flooded areas. With more than 100kg of sticky rice and 30kg of green beans, people had to constantly light the stove and wash the rice continuously to cook the cakes in time.

Hopefully, the sharing of Da Nang people will be a valuable source of encouragement, helping people in the North soon overcome difficulties and gradually stabilize their lives.

Millions of arms turn to compatriots affected by storms and floods

Storms and floods have caused severe damage in many northern provinces.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a whole package when full", with the spirit of mutual love that has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people, the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund calls on philanthropists at home and abroad to join hands to share with people affected by floods... to soon stabilize their lives.

The Golden Heart Social Charity Fund would like to sincerely thank the precious affection of agencies, businesses, and philanthropists at home and abroad.

Please send all donations to: Tam Long Vang Charity Fund, 51 Hang Bo, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Account number (STK): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem Branch, Hanoi. STK: 0021000303088 - at Vietcombank - Hanoi Branch, STK: 12410001122556 - at BIDV - Hoan Kiem Branch.

Or scan the following QR code:

Mai Hương

Ngành du lịch Đà Nẵng phát động ủng hộ đồng bào miền Bắc

Mai Hương |

Sở Du lịch TP Đà Nẵng tổ chức phát động ngành du lịch Đà Nẵng ủng hộ đồng bào các tỉnh, thành phố miền Bắc khắc phục thiệt hại sau cơn bão số 3.

Văn phòng UBND TP Đà Nẵng ủng hộ đồng bào miền Bắc

Mai Hương |

Ngày 16.9, Văn phòng UBND thành phố Đà Nẵng đã tham gia ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do cơn bão số 3.

Dự báo miền Bắc có nơi mưa rất to vượt mốc 90mm


Cơ quan khí tượng dự báo ngày và đêm nay 16.9, miền Bắc cục bộ có nơi mưa to đến rất to.

Xe tải bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe tải đang lưu thông thì bốc cháy ngùn ngụt trên cao tốc Vĩnh Hảo - Phan Thiết.

Tin 20h: Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng "chặt chém" đoàn từ thiện

Nhóm PV |

Tin 20h ngày 19.9: Bà Nguyễn Phương Hằng được ra tù vào hôm nay; Yên Bái kiểm tra nhà hàng bị tố chặt chém đoàn từ thiện...

Phía Miss Universe nói về thông tin Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp

Huyền Chi |

Thông tin Hoa hậu Kỳ Duyên chưa tốt nghiệp Trường Đại học Ngoại Thương gây xôn xao mạng xã hội.

Thể Công Tân Cảng bảo vệ thành công chức vô địch giải bóng chuyền U23 Quốc gia 2024

Nhóm PV |

U23 Thể Công Tân Cảng thắng U23 Ninh Bình 3-1 tại chung kết giải bóng chuyền U23 quốc gia vào tối 19.9.

Chậu hoa giấy trên phố đi bộ ở Đà Nẵng đồng loạt "nằm" tránh bão

Nguyễn Linh |

UBND quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng cho biết đã chủ động đặt nằm các chậu hoa giấy tại phố đi bộ Bạch Đằng để tránh thiệt hại bởi ảnh hưởng của cơn bão số 4.

Da Nang tourism industry launches campaign to support northern compatriots

Mai Hương |

The Da Nang Department of Tourism launched a campaign to support the people of the northern provinces and cities to overcome the damage caused by storm No. 3.

Office of Da Nang City People's Committee supports people in the North

Mai Hương |

On September 16, the Office of the People's Committee of Da Nang City participated in supporting people affected by storm No. 3.

Forecast for the North, some places will have very heavy rain exceeding 90mm


The Meteorological Agency predicts that today and tonight, September 16, there will be heavy to very heavy rain in some places in the North.