Students "accuse" of having to eat leftover rice and soup, what does Hanoi University of Science and Technology say?

Tường Vân |

The Vice President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology affirmed that feeding students leftover soup is unacceptable and will resolutely handle and overcome the above situation.

Stop the catering unit

On October 8, Hanoi University of Science and Technology held a meeting with the press, providing information about the incident related to students' feedback on the quality of meals during national defense and security education classes.

PGS.TS Huynh Dang Chinh - Pho Giam doc Dai hoc Bach khoa Ha Noi. Anh: Van Trang
Associate Professor, Dr. Huynh Dang Chinh - Deputy Director of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Photo: Van Trang

Previously, students reported that during the 2 weeks of national defense and security education at the school, the cafeteria staff collected leftover rice and soup, mixed it, poured it into trays, containers, and pots, and continued to divide it for the units that came later to eat.

Associate Professor Dr. Huynh Dang Chinh - Vice President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology acknowledged that the meal service provider's practice of adding leftover soup to meals for students who arrived later was unacceptable. Hanoi University of Science and Technology accepts responsibility and will strictly handle individuals who caused the incident.

Regarding the provision of meals for students, Hanoi University of Science and Technology currently has two private units bidding for the kitchen: A15 Kitchen and the staff canteen. After the feedback, the school requested that A15 Kitchen stop operating, the staff canteen will temporarily provide meals for students studying National Defense and Security Education while looking for a replacement unit.

"When we saw the images in the video clip, the first thing we realized was the direct role and responsibility of the leadership in letting this happen," said Mr. Chinh, adding that the school will continue to find a supplier that ensures food safety and hygiene regulations.

A15 boarding cafeteria, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, temporarily closed after students complained about the quality of meals. Photo: Van Trang

The Vice President of Hanoi University of Science and Technology acknowledged that the students' reflection on "leftover rice" is not really correct. This stems from the fact that students eat by table. Food is divided into trays, each table will have a bowl of rice and students will take rice into the tray according to their eating needs. At some tables, female students have poor appetites, so the leftover rice bowls will be collected together to avoid waste.

"We have learned from experience and asked the cafeteria to put rice in thermal containers, and students will move around and take rice to their trays according to their eating needs," said Mr. Chinh.

Sinh vien
On the morning of October 8, the leadership of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, together with the Director of the Department of National Defense and Security, Ministry of Education and Training, in conjunction with local health care,... inspected the facilities and meals of students studying national defense and security education. Photo: Duy Thanh
Suat com cua sinh vien Dai hoc Bach khoa trong thoi gian hoc Giao duc Quoc phong va An ninh ngay 8.10. Anh: Ngoc Thanh
Meals for students of the University of Technology during the National Defense and Security Education course on October 8. Photo: Duy Thanh

Students reported cockroaches in food

According to a representative of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, students have complained to the kitchen twice about cockroaches in their rice. The reason, as explained by the food supplier, was that there were cockroaches in the meat slicer and they were immediately dealt with.

Regarding the details of the student's complaint about foreign objects in the rice, the leader of Hanoi University of Science and Technology said that it is currently impossible to verify.

"The incident is an opportunity for the Polytechnic University to review and re-evaluate the quality of its services. We will strictly handle the individuals who caused the incident. This is also a warning for other higher education institutions to do better in the areas that can be controlled early on," said Mr. Chinh.

To overcome and monitor the quality of meals for students, Hanoi University of Science and Technology said that it has directed teachers of National Defense and Security Education to directly eat with students. At the same time, in the student housing area, there are QR codes for students to directly report the quality of meals and activities to the student affairs office...

This will help the school promptly grasp and process information, ensuring student meals are safe and of good quality.

Tường Vân

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