Hai Van Quan relic site digitized with 3D map


HUE - Hue Monuments Conservation Center deploys a multi-interactive experiential tourism solution for visitors when visiting Hai Van Quan relic.

Di tich Hai Van Quan duoc xay dung tu doi nha Tran va duoc trung tu duoi thoi vua Minh Mang (1826) duoi dang cua ai phong thu. Cong trinh nam o do cao gan 500 met so voi muc nuoc bien tren vung giap ranh giua tinh Thua Thien Hue va TP Da Nang.
Hai Van Quan relic was built during the Tran Dynasty and restored under King Minh Mang (1826) as a defensive pass. The structure is located at an altitude of nearly 500 meters above sea level on the border between Thua Thien Hue province and Da Nang city.
Day la di tich co nhieu gia tri ve mat lich su va kien truc nghe thuat, khong chi la vi tri phong thu quan trong cua cua ngo phia nam Kinh thanh Hue ma con la mot danh lam thang canh noi tieng cua Viet Nam, duoc xep hang Di tich cap Quoc gia vao nam 2017.
This is a relic with many historical and architectural values, not only an important defensive position of the southern gateway of Hue Citadel but also a famous scenic spot of Vietnam, ranked as a National Monument in 2017.
Hien nay, duoc su dong y cua UBND tinh Thua Thien Hue ve viec trien khai thi diem nen tang check-in va ghi nhan su hien dien cua khach du lich tai di tich Hai Van Quan, Trung tam Bao ton Di tich Co do Hue da chu tri phoi hop voi Phygital Labs va Trung tam Cong nghe Thong tin tinh Thua Thien Hue xay dung trien khai giai phap du lich trai nghiem da tuong tac tai Hai Van Quan.
Currently, with the approval of the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province on the pilot implementation of the check-in platform and recording the presence of tourists at Hai Van Quan relic, the Hue Monuments Conservation Center has coordinated with Phygital Labs and the Information Technology Center of Thua Thien Hue province to develop and deploy a multi-interactive experiential tourism solution at Hai Van Quan.
Theo do, Di tich Hai Van Quan duoc so hoa ban do du lich 3D, kien tao hanh trinh kham pha van hoa qua cac cau chuyen va nhiem vu check-in tai 9 dia diem dac biet. Anh: Trung tam Bao ton Di tich Co do Hue.
Hai Van Quan relic site has been digitized into a 3D tourist map, creating a cultural discovery journey through stories and check-in missions at 9 special locations. Photo: Hue Monuments Conservation Center.
Ban do so 3D tai hien toan canh thien nhien hung vi cua dinh Hai Van Quan, cho phep du khach co the chiem nguong, kham pha chi tiet lich su phong phu cua cong trinh qua cac thoi ky, tu qua trinh hinh thanh den nhung su kien quan trong trong lich su bao ve lanh tho. Anh: Trung tam Bao ton Di tich Co do Hue
The 3D digital map recreates the majestic natural panorama of Hai Van Quan peak, allowing visitors to admire and explore in detail the rich history of the structure through the ages, from its formation to important events in the history of territorial protection. Photo: Hue Monuments Conservation Center
Diem noi bat la su ket hop giua thuc te va cong nghe, giup tang cuong trai nghiem tuong tac. Du khach chi can su dung dien thoai thong minh de cham vao bang check-in gan chip NFC tai cac diem tham quan, tu do truy cap ngay thong tin ve tung khu vuc, su kien lich su va gia tri van hoa cua moi diem tai Hai Van Quan.
The highlight is the combination of reality and technology, enhancing the interactive experience. Visitors only need to use their smartphones to touch the check-in board with NFC chip at the attractions, thereby immediately accessing information about each area, historical events and cultural values ​​of each point at Hai Van Quan.
 Day khong chi la viec cung cap thong tin ma con la cach de nguoi tham quan thuc su hoa minh vao dong chay lich su, cam nhan ro net tung khoanh khac ma noi day da trai qua va ghi dau.
This is not only about providing information but also a way for visitors to truly immerse themselves in the flow of history, clearly feeling every moment that this place has experienced and marked.
Nguoi dung chi viec bat tinh nang NFC tren dien thoai thong minh va de dien thoai gan voi vi tri co chip NFC theo huong dan de kham pha diem check-in. Sau khi hoan thanh toan bo 9 diem, du khach se nhan duoc huy hieu so - chung nhan ky thuat so cho hanh trinh cua ho. Huy hieu nay khong chi la mot ky niem doc dao ma con minh chung cho viec du khach da chinh thuc chinh phuc “Thien ha de nhat hung quan”.
Users simply turn on the NFC feature on their smartphones and hold their phones close to the NFC chip as instructed to explore the check-in points. After completing all 9 points, visitors will receive a digital badge - a digital certificate for their journey. This badge is not only a unique souvenir but also proves that visitors have officially conquered the "Thien Ha De Nhat Hung Quan".
Chi sau 20 ngay trien khai tai Hai Van Quan, du an da thu hut hon 2.000 luot check-in va tao ra 200 khoanh khac dang nho.
After only 20 days of implementation at Hai Van Quan, the project has attracted more than 2,000 check-ins and created 200 memorable moments.


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Di tích Hải Vân Quan còn thiếu nhiều hạ tầng dịch vụ

Mai Hương - Nguyễn Linh |

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Mai Hương - Nguyễn Linh |

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Mai Hương - Nguyễn Linh |

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