Current state of degradation in the old apartment complex on Hanoi's prime land

Hữu Vũ |

Kim Lien apartment complex is located on prime land in Hanoi but is now seriously degraded, greatly affecting people's lives.

Khu tap the Kim Lien (quan Dong Da, Ha Noi) duoc xay dung trong nhung nam 1959 - 1965, voi 42 nha chung cu cao tu 2 - 6 tang.
Kim Lien apartment complex (Dong Da district, Hanoi) was built in 1959 - 1965, with 42 apartment buildings from 2 to 6 floors high.
Day la mot trong nhung khu nha tap the lau doi nhat tai Ha Noi. Sau hon nua the the ky dua vao hoat dong, khu tap the nay hien da lo ro dau vet thoi gian va xuong cap tram trong.
This is one of the oldest collective housing areas in Hanoi. After more than half a century of operation, this apartment complex has now shown clear signs of time and serious deterioration.
Ngay 23.2, theo ghi nhan cua Lao Dong, sau hang chuc nam xay dung va su dung, nhieu hang muc cua khu tap the Kim Lien tro nen nhech nhac boi hang tram “chuong cop” chen chuc bam tren cac buc tuong da bong troc cua cong trinh.
On February 23, according to Lao Dong, after decades of construction and use, many items of Kim Lien apartment complex have become shabby because hundreds of "tiger cages" are crowded on the peeling walls of the building.
Nhieu nguoi dan bat chap nguy hiem de coi noi nha tap the, gay mat my quan do thi va tiem an nhieu nguy co ve an toan chay no.
Many people ignore the danger of expanding collective houses, causing loss of urban beauty and posing many potential risks to fire safety.
Don cu nhu tai dia chi B16 khu tap the Kim Lien, nhin tu ben ngoai khu nha reu phong va am thap. Ben trong tung day hanh lang toi den voi tuong va tran nha bi bong troc.
For example, at B16 Kim Lien apartment complex, seen from the outside of the mossy and damp house. Inside each row of dark corridors with peeling walls and ceilings.
Chi Nguyen Minh Thuy (thue nha tai tai khu tap the Kim Lien), cho biet chi chuyen ve day o duoc gan mot nam nay vi tien cho cong viec. Tuy nhien, hien tai gia dinh chi cung dang tim mot can ho khac voi ly do khu nha thuong xuyen bi tham dot.
Ms. Nguyen Minh Thuy (renting a house in Kim Lien apartment complex) said she moved here for nearly a year because it was convenient for work. However, her family is currently looking for another apartment because the house is often leaking.
“Troi nom khien sinh hoat cua ca gia dinh vo cung bi bach. Boi cham vao dau cung thay am uot, trong khi quan ao phoi tu 2 – 3 ngay moi kho. Trong khi do cac do dac trong nha nhat la thiet bi dien tu va thuc pham rat de bi am moc neu khong che chan, bao quan can than”, chi Thuy than tho.
"The muddy weather makes the whole family's daily activities extremely complicated. Because you can feel wet wherever you touch it, while your clothes will dry for 2-3 days. Every piece of furniture can easily become moldy if not covered and carefully preserved, Ms. Thuy lamented.
Nhieu nguoi dan song tai khu tap the Kim Lien chia se, ho mong muon noi o som duoc cai tao, xay moi va duoc tai dinh cu tai cho.
Many people living in Kim Lien apartment complex shared that they hope their residence will soon be renovated, newly built and resettled on the spot.
Tang 1 tai cac day nha tap the Kim Lien la dia diem kinh doanh, buon ban sam uat cua ca khu vuc nay.
The first floor of the Kim Lien apartment buildings is a bustling business and trading location in this area.
Lien quan den khu tap the nay, moi day, UBND thanh pho Ha Noi da ban hanh Quyet dinh so 822/QD-UBND ve viec phe duyet nhiem vu Quy hoach chi tiet cai tao, xay dung lai Khu tap the Kim Lien va phu can 1/500.
Regarding this apartment complex, recently, the Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision No. 822/QD-UBND approving the detailed planning task for the renovation and reconstruction of Kim Lien apartment complex and its vicinity 1/500.
Pham vi, ranh gioi nghien cuu quy hoach: Phia Dong Bac giap pho Dao Duy Anh; phia Dong co mot phan giap pho Hoang Tich Tri, mot phan giap ngo 34 Phuong Mai; phia Tay Bac giap pho Pham Ngoc Thach; phia Tay Nam giap song Lu. Tong dien tich khu dat nghien cuu quy hoach khoang 35,5ha.
Scope and boundaries of planning research: Northeast borders Dao Duy Anh street; East borders Hoang Tich Tri street, partly borders lane 34 Phuong Mai; Northwest borders Pham Ngoc Thach street; Southwest borders Lu river. The total area of the land for planning research is about 35.5 hectares.
Cac nha tap the cu se duoc xay dung lai ket hop chinh trang cac khu nha o hien co theo huong tang chieu cao cong trinh. Con he so su dung dat, mat do xay dung duoc giam xuong. Khu vuc nay cung se duoc bo sung ha tang ky thuat, xa hoi, cay xanh, ham de xe.
The old apartment buildings will be rebuilt in combination with the renovation of existing housing areas in the direction of increasing the height of the project. The land use coefficient and construction density have been reduced. This area will also have additional technical infrastructure, society, trees, and parking tunnels.
Thoi gian hoan thanh lap do an quy hoach chi tiet khu tap the nay la 6 thang. Thanh pho giao UBND quan Dong Da chiu trach nhiem ve nang luc don vi, ca nhan tu van, phap ly to chuc lap nhiem vu quy hoach chi tiet cai tao, xay dung lai khu tap the Kim Lien va phu can.
The time to complete the detailed planning project for this apartment complex is 6 months. The city assigned the Dong Da District People's Committee to be responsible for the capacity of the unit and individuals to consult and organize the detailed planning task for the renovation and reconstruction of Kim Lien and surrounding apartment complex.

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