Feast your eyes on lion climbing poles, Mai Hoa Thung dancing... drinking milk tea


Soc Trang - Lion dancers not only fly and jump but also climb on poles of different heights.

Tai Hoi dien lan - vo thuat xuan At Ty nam 2025 duoc So Van hoa, the thao, du lich tinh Soc Trang to chuc, nhieu man bieu dien mua lan vo cung sinh dong, hap dan va man nhan nguoi xem.
At the 2025 Spring Lion Dance - Martial Arts Festival organized by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Soc Trang province, many lion dance performances were extremely lively, attractive and satisfying to the audience.
Trong do phan bieu dien lan nhay mua tren cac coc cao khac nhau hay con goi la mai hoa thung da tao su phan khich cho nguoi xem.
One of the highlights of this year’s festival is the Mai Hoa Thung lion dance. The lions move nimbly on unevenly high and low poles to perform beautiful, graceful acrobatic moves.
Anh Tran Nhu Nguyen - doan Kim Long Ca Mau cho biet de mua duoc mai hoa thung thi phai tap luyen hon 1 nam moi thanh thuc cac dong tac va dung vung tren cac coc. Nguoi mua dau lan khong chi co kha nang bay nhay nhe nhang ma con phai biet cach dieu khien cac bo phan cua lan sao cho sinh dong, bieu dat duoc cac trang thai cam xuc khac nhau. Ben canh do, su phoi hop an y cua nguoi phia sau, cua tap the, tu tieng trong, tieng chieng den tung dong tac cua cac thanh vien cung la yeu to then chot tao nen su thanh cong cua tiet muc.
Mr. Tran Chi Nguyen - from Kim Long troupe (Ca Mau province) - shared that to perform Mai Hoa Thung movements skillfully, the dancer must spend more than 1 year of persistent practice. Not only requiring the ability to maintain balance, the lion head dancer must also skillfully control the lion's parts, expressing different emotions. In addition, the rhythmic coordination of the person behind, the sound of drums, gongs and the whole troupe is the key factor to the success of the performance.
Vua mua mai hoa thun vua uong tra sua cua mot doi tham gia bieu dien.
One team even surprised everyone by dancing on Mai Hoa Thung while enjoying milk tea, showing their confidence and ability to control the stage.
Anh Trieu Van Khuon - Truong Doan Nghe thuat lan - su - rong Phu Quy Duong chia se chuan bi phuc vu Tet nam nay, doan da quy tu hon 30 thanh vien den tap luyen moi dem, duoc khoang 3 thang nay. Thoi gian tap tu 17 - 20 gio va duy tri cac bai tap tu lan mua don gian duoi dat den lan leo cay cao va tap trong hoi. Man chao ket thuc tiet muc lan leo cot vo cung dieu luyen.
The lion-climbing performance also attracted the attention of a large audience. The lions nimbly climbed up and down the high poles, demonstrating incredible dexterity and strength. Mr. Trieu Van Khuon - Head of the Phu Quy Duong Lion-Dragon-Unicorn Art Troupe (Soc Trang province) - said that the troupe had gathered more than 30 members, practicing every night for 3 months to prepare for this year's Tet performances. The exercises were gradually increased from simple lion dances to tree climbing and drum practice, demonstrating careful investment in both skills and physical strength.
Man chao ket thuc tiet muc lan leo cot vo cung dieu luyen.
The salute ended with a very skillful lion climbing performance.
Tiet muc mua rong da quang voi khong gian huyen ao.
The luminous dragon dance in the magical space also created an impressive atmosphere.
Chi Nguyen Thi Dung o TP Soc Trang (tinh Soc Trang) den xem bieu dien mua lan cho biet: Cac man bieu dien vo cung an tuong, nhat la cac tiet muc lan leo cay, nhay tren coc. Minh xem muon thot tim nhung cac van dong vien mua rat chuyen nghiep“.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Dung - an audience member from Soc Trang City (Soc Trang Province) - expressed her excitement: "The performances were extremely impressive, especially the lion dances climbing trees and jumping on poles. I was scared to death watching them, but the dancers were very professional."
Hoi dien lan - vo thuat xuan At Ty 2025 duoc So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Soc Trang to chuc tu ngay 27-28.1. Lam Thanh Dung - Pho Giam doc So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Soc Trang bay to: “Day la hoat dong truyen thong, hap dan, co y nghia thiet thuc, khong chi tao dieu kien cho cac don vi tham gia bieu dien co dip duoc the hien nang luc chuyen mon von co cua minh, ma con gop phan da dang hoa cac hoat dong phuc vu nhu cau huong thu van hoa tinh than cua nhan dan. Dong thoi, cac cau lac bo vo thuat, the duc duong sinh co co hoi dua nhung tiet muc hay bieu dien phuc vu nhu cau thuong thuc nguoi dan trong dip Tet co truyen cua dan toc.
According to Mr. Lam Thanh Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Soc Trang - the Spring Lion Dance and Martial Arts Festival is held annually to introduce and honor the traditional cultural values ​​of Vietnam. This is also an opportunity for art troupes to exchange, learn and improve their professional skills.


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