A district has only 2/5 of its large bridges intact

Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Tam Nong district has 5 large bridges spanning 3 rivers, but after Phong Chau bridge collapsed, 2 other bridges were damaged, now only 2 bridges remain intact.

Huyen Tam Nong, tinh Phu Tho co 3 con song bao quanh la song Da, song Hong va song Bua. Bac qua 3 con song ke tren, noi vao huyen nay la 5 cay cau lon la cau Trung Ha, cau Phong Chau, cau Ngoc Thap, cau Tu My va cau Song Bua. Do hoa tren nen Google map: To Cong.
Tam Nong District, Phu Tho Province is surrounded by 3 rivers: Da River, Red River and Bua River. Crossing the 3 rivers mentioned above, connecting to this district are 5 large bridges: Trung Ha Bridge, Phong Chau Bridge, Ngoc Thap Bridge, Tu My Bridge and Song Bua Bridge (white text, blue background means the bridge is still in normal traffic).
5 cay cau ke tren deu la cac cong trinh nam tren nhieu tuyen duong quan trong, giup huyen Tam Nong ket noi voi cac dia phuong trong va ngoai tinh Phu Tho, dong gop vao su phat trien chung cua kinh te-xa hoi. Anh cau Trung Ha: To Cong.
The above 5 bridges are all projects located on many important routes, helping Tam Nong district connect with localities inside and outside Phu Tho province (photo of Trung Ha bridge).
Tuy nhien, ke tu khi cau Phong Chau bi sap, cau Trung Ha bac qua song Da noi vao huyen Ba Vi, thanh pho Ha Noi va cau Tu My bac qua song Bua noi vao huyen Cam Khe, tinh Phu Tho gioi han phuong tien do hu hong, tren dia ban huyen Tam Nong chi con cau Ngoc Thap va cau Song Bua la con nguyen ven. Anh cau Tu My: To Cong.
However, since Phong Chau bridge collapsed, Trung Ha bridge across Da river connecting to Ba Vi district, Hanoi city and Tu My bridge across Bua river connecting to Cam Khe district, Phu Tho province have limited vehicles due to damage. In Tam Nong district, only Ngoc Thap bridge and Song Bua bridge are still intact (photo of Tu My bridge).
Voi cau Ngoc Thap tren duong Ho Chi Minh noi huyen Tam Nong voi thi xa Phu Tho, la cay cau lon bac qua song Hong co chieu dai len toi 1.051 m. Cau co tong muc dau tu 1.362 ti dong, duoc khanh thanh, dua vao su dung tu thang 10.2011.
Ngoc Thap Bridge on Ho Chi Minh Road connecting Tam Nong District with Phu Tho Town is a large bridge spanning the Red River with a length of up to 1,051 m. The bridge has a total investment of 1,362 billion VND, inaugurated and put into use since October 2011.
Sau khi cau Phong Chau sap, gan nhu toan bo xe oto tai, oto khach muon sang song deu phai qua Cau Ngoc Thap. Theo ghi nhan cua phong vien Bao Lao Dong nhung ngay giua thang 10, luu luong phuong tien qua cau nay rat lon, tuy nhien se khong co nhieu noi lo mat an toan vi day la mot cay cau moi, co ket cau be tong cot thep va be tong cot thep du ung luc rat kien co.
After the Phong Chau Bridge collapsed, almost all trucks and passenger cars wanting to cross the river had to go through Ngoc Thap Bridge. According to Lao Dong Newspaper reporters in mid-October, the traffic volume through this bridge was very large, however, there will not be many concerns about safety because this is a new bridge, with a very solid reinforced concrete and prestressed reinforced concrete structure.
Voi cau Song Bua bac qua con song cung ten, la cay cau nam tren tuyen duong la cay cau vuot song duy nhat tren tuyen duong giao thong lien vung ket noi duong Ho Chi Minh voi Quoc lo 70B, Quoc lo 32C tinh Phu Tho di tinh Yen Bai - tuyen duong du an co tong muc dau tu 2.120 ti dong di qua 3 huyen cua tinh Phu Tho.
With Song Bua bridge spanning the river of the same name connecting Tam Nong district and Cam Khe district, it is the only river-crossing bridge on the inter-regional traffic route connecting Ho Chi Minh road with National Highway 70B, National Highway 32C from Phu Tho province to Yen Bai province - the project route has a total investment of 2,120 billion VND passing through 3 districts of Phu Tho province.
Cay cau nay nam tren Km4+323 duong lien vung, thuoc dia phan xa Quang Huc va xa Lam Son, huyen Tam Nong. Theo ghi nhan cua phong vien Bao Lao Dong, nhieu xe may, xe oto con, oto tai, oto cho khach luu thong qua cay cau nay.
Song Bua Bridge is located on Km4+323 of the inter-regional road, in Quang Huc and Lam Son communes, Tam Nong district. According to records, there are currently many vehicles passing through this bridge.
Day la mot cay cau moi, duoc ban giao dua vao su dung tu thang 10.2023. Voi viec cau Tu My duoi ha luu song Bua (huong tuyen song song, cach khoang 3,5km) dang cam toan bo xe oto, cau Song Bua tro thanh tuyen duong truc chinh noi huyen Tam Nong voi huyen Cam Khe va cac dia phuong lan can. Anh cau Song Bua: To Cong.
This is a new bridge, handed over and put into use from October 2023. With Tu My bridge downstream of Bua river (parallel route, about 3.5km away) currently banned from all cars, Song Bua bridge becomes the main route connecting Tam Nong district with Cam Khe district and neighboring areas.
Theo dai dien Chu dau tu quan ly du an duong lien vung la Ban Quan ly du an dau tu xay dung cong trinh giao thong, cong nghiep va dan dung tinh Phu Tho, cau Song Bua duoc thiet ke cau dam gian don 5 nhip (theo so do 39,1+3x40+39,1m), chieu dai toan cau hon 204m (Tinh tu duoi mo den duoi mo). Ket cau nhip dang dam Super T bang betong cot thep 50MPa du ung luc cang truoc, chieu dai dam hon 38m...
According to the representative of the investor of the inter-regional road, the Management Board of Investment Projects for Construction of Traffic, Industrial and Civil Works of Phu Tho Province, Song Bua Bridge is over 204 m long (from the end of the abutment to the end of the abutment); the span structure is in the form of a Super T girder made of 50MPa pre-stressed reinforced concrete, the girder length is over 38m...
Nhu vay, de 5 cay cau lon noi vao huyen Tam Nong co the som “tro lai nhu xua“, cau Trung Ha va cau Tu My phai som hoan thanh viec sua chua. Quan trong nhat, cau Phong Chau moi phai xay dung hoan thanh trong thoi gian som nhat, dat hoac truoc ke hoach de ra la trong nam 2025.
Thus, in order for the five major bridges connecting to Tam Nong district to “return to normal”, the Trung Ha and Tu My bridges must be repaired. Most importantly, the new Phong Chau bridge must be completed (the plan is set for 2025).
Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công

Stop military ferry from noon on October 18, reinstall Phong Chau pontoon bridge


Phu Tho - From noon on October 18, the military force stopped using military ferries to reinstall Phong Chau pontoon bridge.

Agree on the start time of Phong Chau bridge construction


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Besides Phong Chau bridge, Phu Tho has many weak bridges


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Stop military ferry from noon on October 18, reinstall Phong Chau pontoon bridge

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - From noon on October 18, the military force stopped using military ferries to reinstall Phong Chau pontoon bridge.

Agree on the start time of Phong Chau bridge construction


Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha, leaders of Phu Tho province and ministries agreed on a plan to start construction of Phong Chau bridge in December 2024.

Besides Phong Chau bridge, Phu Tho has many weak bridges

Bài và Ảnh: Tô Công |

Phu Tho - Many bridges on provincial roads are old and weak but have not been repaired for many years, and still carry countless series of heavy-duty trucks every day.