Resettlement project in Binh Dinh is stuck because of land issue of 1 household

Hoài Luân |

Binh Dinh - Although the progress has been extended twice, up to now, the An Quang Village Resettlement Area Project has not been able to reach the finish line, due to problems with site clearance for one household.

Many years still "stuck" near the finish line

After 4 years of implementation, the An Quang Village Resettlement Area Project (Cat Khanh Commune, Phu Cat District, Binh Dinh Province) serving the coastal road project from Cat Tien to De Gi is still "stuck" at the stage of near completion, due to the problem of site clearance (GPMB) of only 1 household.

The project has a total investment of more than 130 billion VND, a construction area of ​​11 hectares, with more than 300 land lots, invested by the Binh Dinh Provincial Land Acquisition and Compensation Board.

The An Quang village resettlement area project serving the coastal road project from Cat Tien to De Gi has not been completed yet. Photo: Thanh Thanh

According to the Binh Dinh Provincial Land Acquisition and Site Clearance Board, as of the end of December 2022, the project had completed 93% of the total contract volume. However, to date, this project has not been completed because it is still stuck with land acquisition for Ms. Tran Thi Khai, with an area of ​​over 2,100 square meters.

Land acquisition issues have caused the project to fall behind schedule. Therefore, the Binh Dinh Provincial Land Acquisition and Clearance Board has asked the province to adjust the project implementation time to the end of 2023 and has been approved by the province.

However, as of November 30, 2023, Phu Cat District People's Committee has not yet enforced the land acquisition of Ms. Khai's household to hand over the land to the investor to complete the project. Although the province and Phu Cat District People's Committee have resolved the complaint of Ms. Khai's household - a case subject to compulsory land acquisition.

According to Mr. Ngo Tung Son - Head of Land Acquisition and Site Clearance of Binh Dinh Province, the responsibility for enforcing the handover of the site was assigned by the People's Committee of Binh Dinh Province to the People's Committee of Phu Cat District. However, up to now, this district has not yet enforced the land acquisition to hand over the site for construction, so the project has not been completed for handover for management and use and final settlement according to regulations.

"The land is only stuck with one household but has not been enforced, leading to the construction progress not being guaranteed and the province has extended the progress twice. The province requires that by the end of December 2024, the project must be completed, no longer extended" - Mr. Son said.


Stuck in land acquisition and clearance, the project has not been able to "finish" on time, causing many households in the An Quang resettlement area to be disadvantaged in terms of rights, because they do not know when they will be granted the Land Use Rights Certificate (red book).

Many households have not been granted red books after moving to the resettlement area for 2 years. Photo: Ho Huynh

Ms. L (residing in Cat Khanh commune, Phu Cat district) - a resident of An Quang village resettlement area - said that in 2022, her family moved to the resettlement area to live, because they had to give up the land they were living on for a road construction project.

It has been 2 years since moving to a new place, but her family and many other households have not yet been granted a red book. "We agreed to move to a new place, giving up the land to build a road for the common good. We have been living here for more than 2 years now but do not have a red book, and cannot borrow money, so we have to borrow money from outside to build a house, causing us many difficulties" - Ms. L said.

Regarding the delay in land acquisition, the leader of Phu Cat District People's Committee "complained" about the difficulties in the land acquisition enforcement work for Ms. Khai's case. According to the report of Phu Cat District Police, they could not send forces to ensure security and order during the process of organizing the land acquisition enforcement for Ms. Khai's household, because the enforcement records did not meet legal requirements.

"We will soon resolve the problems to carry out enforcement, hand over the site to the investor to complete the project and issue red books to the people" - said the leader of Phu Cat District People's Committee.

Hoài Luân

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