Reviewing the Principal for letting the "scandal" of revenue and expenditure happen at school

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh province leaders requested the Department of Education and Training to review the responsibility of school principals for violations of revenue and expenditure at the beginning of the school year, causing public outrage.

School ignores instructions

Regarding the Parents' Representative Committee at some educational institutions in Binh Dinh province mobilizing to collect illegal amounts of money, on October 2, at the Conference to evaluate the socio-economic situation in 9 months and deploy key tasks in the fourth quarter of 2024, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang requested to review the responsibility of school principals for allowing the above situation to occur.

Phu Cat High School No. 3 (Phu Cat district). Photo: Phu Cat High School No. 3 Information Portal

"Recently, there have been cases of complaints about the collection of money at the beginning of the school year. I feel very sad about this. The province has directed and reminded about this situation since the beginning of the school year, but schools still do not strictly follow the instructions.

"The Director of the Department of Education and Training (GDDT) of Binh Dinh province must review the responsibility of the Principals of high schools who did not strictly follow the instructions and still allowed violations to occur right from the beginning of the school year, causing outrage in public opinion," Mr. Lam Hai Giang requested.

Ong Lam Hai Giang yeu cau kiem diem trach nhiem Hieu truong cac truong vi pham. Anh: UBND tinh Binh Dinh
At the conference to evaluate the socio-economic situation in the first 9 months, Mr. Lam Hai Giang requested to review the responsibilities of school principals who violated the law. Photo: Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee

On the same day, speaking with Lao Dong, a representative of the Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province said that regarding the Parents' Representative Committee at Phu Cat High School No. 3 and Nguyen Huu Quang High School collecting money in violation of regulations, the Department has issued a document to rectify the situation. Currently, these educational institutions have overcome the above situation.

"Phu Cat High School No. 3 has dismantled and returned 7 televisions to the Parents' Association. Nguyen Huu Quang High School has requested the Parents' Association to stop soliciting donations to support the construction of a student parking lot.

"The fundraising campaign is carried out by the Parents' Association on its own initiative, not by the school. According to the principle, the Parents' Association is only allowed to solicit sponsors, not to solicit donations from the parents' association," he said.

As Lao Dong reported on September 26, at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, there was still a situation in the province where the Parents' Representative Committee at educational institutions mobilized money without ensuring the principle of voluntariness, causing negative impacts on the education and training sector.

According to the reflection of some parents, the Parents' Representative Board of Phu Cat High School No. 3 (Phu Cat District) mobilized money to buy televisions for teaching; the Parents' Representative Board of Nguyen Huu Quang High School (Phu Cat District) mobilized money to build a student parking lot, which is not in accordance with regulations.

Must adjust school schedule to ease difficulties for parents

Recently, some parents with children in grade 1 at an elementary school in Quy Nhon City complained that their children's school schedules made it difficult for parents to pick them up and drop them off, especially for parents who are civil servants and work at businesses.

According to the Monday to Friday timetable, students study from 6:45 to 10:20 in the morning and from 14:00 to 16:20 in the afternoon. However, from September 30, some first graders only have 2 periods in the afternoon on Monday and Wednesday, so parents have to pick up their children at 15:20. This makes many parents feel inconvenient because they cannot arrange a time to pick up their children.

Regarding the above issue, Mr. Lam Hai Giang requested the provincial education sector to have solutions and make reasonable adjustments to the implementation of teaching 2 sessions/day for primary school level, so as not to affect the pick-up and drop-off of children as parents have reported.

"At 10:30, you let the students have a break, and parents have to come and pick up their children. In the afternoon, they go to school at 1:30 p.m. and come back to pick up their children at 3:30 p.m., so how can they do that? This needs to be studied and arranged appropriately. If we just answer that this is in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, then what is the need for local management? I suggest that the education sector must direct this" - Mr. Lam Hai Giang directed.

Hoài Phương

Trường tháo tivi trả lại cho Ban đại diện cha mẹ học sinh

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Liên quan việc Ban đại diện cha mẹ học sinh vận động thu các khoản tiền không đúng quy định, nhà trường đã tháo dỡ 7 chiếc tivi trả lại phụ huynh.

Bình Định phải hướng mục tiêu cao hơn là không còn hộ nghèo

Hoài Phương |

Theo Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Hồ Đức Phớc, Bình Định cần xây dựng các mô hình kinh tế để giúp dân thoát nghèo, hướng đến mục tiêu không còn hộ nghèo.

Ban đại diện cha mẹ học sinh vận động thu tiền trái quy định

Hoài Phương |

Bình Định - Theo Sở GDĐT tỉnh Bình Định, có tình trạng Ban đại diện cha mẹ học sinh tại một số cơ sở giáo dục vận động thu các khoản tiền không đúng quy định.

Vụ phụ huynh “sợ” các khoản thu đầu năm: Kiểm điểm cô giáo


Thanh Hóa - Sau khi phụ huynh tại một trường tiểu học (ở thị xã Nghi Sơn) bức xúc, "thấy sợ" về các khoản thu đầu năm học, nhà trường đã kiểm điểm một cô giáo.

Đề nghị dừng hoạt động Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam


Bộ Thông tin và Truyền Thông vừa có văn bản đề nghị dừng hoạt động của Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị.

Hiệu trưởng nói nam sinh trong clip Long Biên chỉ lên an ủi vì cô giáo đang buồn


Hà Nội - Trường THPT Thạch Bàn (quận Long Biên) đã tạm đình chỉ giáo viên có hành động thân mật với học sinh ở trong lớp học.

Công đoàn hỗ trợ vé máy bay cho đoàn viên về quê đón Tết

Hà Anh |

Đoàn Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN vừa ban hành Kế hoạch tổ chức các hoạt động chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động dịp Tết Nguyên đán Ất Tỵ 2025.

CLB Nam Định hòa đội Thái Lan tại Cúp C2 châu Á


Câu lạc bộ Nam Định có thêm 1 điểm sau trận hòa 0-0 trước Bangkok United ở lượt trận thứ 2 tại Cúp C2 châu Á 2024-2025 tối 2.10.

The school removed the TV and returned it to the Parents' Association

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - Regarding the Parents' Representative Committee's campaign to collect illegal fees, the school has dismantled 7 televisions and returned them to the parents.

Binh Dinh must aim higher than having no more poor households

Hoài Phương |

According to Deputy Prime Minister Ho Duc Phoc, Binh Dinh needs to build economic models to help people escape poverty, aiming for the goal of no more poor households.

Parents' representative committee mobilizes illegal money collection

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - According to the Department of Education and Training of Binh Dinh province, there is a situation where the Parents' Representative Committee at some educational institutions collects illegal amounts of money.

Parents “fear” of early-year fees: Teacher criticized


Thanh Hoa - After parents at an elementary school (in Nghi Son town) were upset and "scared" about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year, the school disciplined a teacher.