On press forums and media channels, the majority expressed their consensus, supported the removal of district level, merger of some provinces and hoped for early implementation.
Abolishing the district level is a step of streamlining, to keep the public administration apparatus running smoothly, effectively and efficiently. However, when removing the district level, there are many issues that need to be thoroughly handled, the most important of which is the personnel issue.
The country has 696 district-level administrative units, eliminating this administrative level will have a large number of redundant cadres and civil servants. Solving the problem of early retirement and keeping people to work is not simple, requiring objectivity, impartiality and determination.
The merger of some provinces and the removal of district levels is a new step forward in the process of streamlining the apparatus, requiring sacrifice and consensus from many sides. "Wearing the shirt from the position of official" for the common good is courage, being willing to give up personal interests for the development of the country is sacrifice.
However, abolishing the district level does not simply mean cutting down on people, but building an elite commune-level human resources to ensure the operation of the administrative apparatus, improving the quality of service for people and businesses.
To achieve that, it is necessary to select commune-level civil servants who are good, excellent, and have high professional qualifications. In addition to capacity and qualifications, commune-level cadres must be professional civil servants with a high working attitude and sense of responsibility. Priority should be given to recruiting young people, who are well-trained at domestic and foreign universities, with creative, dynamic and enthusiastic thinking.
Cadres and civil servants from the provincial to the communal level must change from the mindset of "people ask - cadres give", to perform the duties of a civil servant: serve the people, serve society.
To recruit and retain talented people in the government apparatus from the provincial to the commune ward level, there needs to be an appropriate salary regime, with no longer a income gap between commune cadres and provincial cadres. Merging some provinces, removing districts, and streamlining the apparatus will have resources to increase salaries for civil servants, ensure high and stable income, help civil servants feel secure in their work and maintain integrity.
Along with recruiting talented people, it is necessary to invest in facilities for communes and wards, especially machinery systems to operate e-government, exploiting technology applications in management and operation.
Abolishing the district level will have a big change in the quality of the commune level, especially the quality of the staff and civil servants.