The traffic jam was at the intersection of Vo Chi Cong - La Xuan Oai, in the High-Tech Park, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City. Drivers were afraid of traffic violations so they did not dare to drive, all stopped waiting for the traffic light to work, causing traffic jams on both sides, vehicles stretched for several kilometers.
This is not the first incident, there have been many intersections in some localities that have been congested due to faulty traffic lights. In Ho Chi Minh City in particular, due to the large number of vehicles, when there is a traffic light problem, there is a long traffic jam immediately. For example, the traffic light failure that occurred on January 10 at the intersection of National Highway 22 - Giap Hai, Cu Chi District - Ho Chi Minh City, motorcyclists had to push their motorbikes to cross the intersection.
When Decree 168 came into effect, it was noteworthy that people complied very strictly, there were few cases of red light violations, and intersections were very orderly. However, due to outdated traffic infrastructure and unscientific traffic organization, it affected traffic circulation.
In Ho Chi Minh City, the management agency has seen that part of the cause of traffic jams is due to motorbikes not being allowed to turn right, so it has deployed the installation of additional traffic lights, but they are still not fully installed in all locations. In addition, it is necessary to study intersections with suitable conditions and safe traffic to allow cars to turn right.
Another cause of congestion is the unstable traffic light system, which is faulty in many places, forcing drivers to stop and wait for instructions from traffic police or for the lights to be repaired.
The law has been enacted, but for the law to be put into practice and create civilized traffic values, there must be an important foundation, which is infrastructure. In the immediate future, localities must complete the traffic light and sign systems, avoid errors, and do not obstruct the driver's vision.
People believe that if a driver commits a traffic violation, he will be severely punished. So when the traffic light is faulty, who will be responsible and will he be punished?
Local authorities must have specific regulations. If traffic lights are faulty, the direct management unit must take responsibility and the head must be punished.
Whatever happens, it is not fair that the people have to suffer.