2 yoga poses to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis

NGỌC THUỲ (THEO healthshots) |

Practicing yoga properly can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Below are 2 poses that help improve bone and joint health.

How does yoga help improve bone and joint health?

Yoga is an ideal way to improve bone and joint health. Gentle movements help relax muscles , maintain and improve joint flexibility. Here's how yoga affects bone and joint health.

Weight-bearing yoga poses: When practicing weight-bearing yoga poses, the bones are subjected to mechanical stress, which signals the body to produce more bone cells, leading to increased bone density, preventing osteoporosis.

Strengthening muscles: Yoga can effectively increase muscle strength and endurance. When the muscles around the bones are strengthened, it creates a protective layer that helps the bones against injury, reducing the risk of fractures.

Improved balance and stability: Certain yoga poses that require body balance can help strengthen muscles and improve the nervous system's ability to control balance. This can significantly reduce the risk of falls, which are a major cause of fractures in older adults.

Improved flexibility: Regular yoga practice can improve flexibility and balance in the body, helping to reduce stress on bones and prevent injuries.

2 best yoga exercises for bone and joint health

Bridge Pose

- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.

- Place your hands on the floor next to your hips, palms facing down.

- Inhale, press your feet and hands into the floor, lifting your hips off the ground.

- Interlace your fingers below your pelvis and press your arms down to lift your hips higher.

- Keep the neck in a neutral position, avoiding tension or compression.

- Hold the position for a few breaths, breathing deeply and evenly.

- To finish the pose, gently lower your hips back to the ground.

This pose strengthens the muscles in the back, hips, and legs, and can help improve bone density in the spine.

Plank pose

- Starting in a face down position, step your feet forward toward your hands, keeping your knees directly below your hips.

- Lower your body to the floor, keeping your arms straight and your body forming a straight line from head to heels.

- Use your core muscles to maintain a strong and stable posture.

- Hold the pose for a few breaths, focusing on keeping your body in a straight line.

- To finish the pose, push yourself back up to face down position.

This pose works the muscles in the arms, shoulders, and abdomen, which are important for overall bone health.

NGỌC THUỲ (THEO healthshots)

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