The progression of fatty liver causes an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol, leading to the formation of blood lipids on the blood vessel walls, thereby obstructing blood circulation. This condition can gradually become a factor in atherosclerosis or high blood pressure.
When you have a fatty liver, your ability to metabolize nutrients like sugar is reduced, leading to an inability to control blood sugar levels effectively. The liver continues to release excess sugar into the bloodstream. As blood sugar levels rise, it tends to accelerate the progression of diabetes.
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain, leading to the destruction of nerve cells. Fatty liver can cause the blood to become viscous. Without enough blood and oxygen to the brain, it can easily cause dementia.
To treat fatty liver disease, we need to reduce triglyceride levels. Therefore, we need to reduce the source of fat, which means reducing the amount of sugar entering the body.