Giảm đường huyết

3 Lunches to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes


Preparing a healthy lunch can have a significant impact on your weight and blood sugar.

How to control blood sugar spikes in winter

Linh Đan - Hà Lê |

Cold weather in winter can cause increased hormone secretion, increasing blood sugar, especially for people with diabetes.

Benefits of corn silk water prevent blood sugar spikes


Drinking corn silk water regularly can help stabilize blood sugar effectively.

Unexpected effects of jujube on people with high blood sugar

Minh Quân (Theo livestrong) |

Due to its high fiber content, jujubes are a good choice for people with high blood sugar or diabetes.

Unexpected effects of pumpkin seeds improve blood sugar


Pumpkin seeds are a nutritious food with many health benefits, especially the ability to improve blood sugar.

Eating too much rice noodles can increase blood sugar

Minh Quân (Theo livestrong) |

Rice noodles can negatively affect blood sugar levels if you eat too much or combine them with the wrong foods.

Do fried foods raise blood sugar?

Trần Hương (Theo Livestrong) |

Diabetics should not eat fried foods regularly because it can increase blood sugar levels.

Name 3 types of tea that help reduce blood sugar effectively

Trần Hương (Theo Livestrong) |

Tea contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health and improve certain medical conditions. Here are 3 types of tea that help lower blood sugar levels.

2 Healthy Habits to Help Control Blood Sugar

Trần Hương (Theo Healthshots) |

If you are persistent and determined to practice healthy habits to control your blood sugar, type 2 diabetes is no longer a concern.

Wonderful uses of lotus seeds for blood sugar

Nguyễn Ly |

Lotus seeds are a familiar food for people with blood sugar problems. Lotus seeds have many good uses thanks to their nutritional components.

Cheese that helps control blood sugar at night


Cottage cheese is a good choice for a late night snack that won't spike your blood sugar.

Be careful, blood sugar levels can increase in winter

Minh Quân (Healthshots) |

Below are the main causes that can cause blood sugar levels to increase in winter, readers can refer to.

Beetroot helps control blood sugar very effectively

Minh Quân (Theo Healthshots) |

Beets can help you control your blood sugar effectively. Here are the benefits of eating beets for diabetes.

4 types of tubers help stabilize blood sugar levels


There are many types of tubers that are highly nutritious, help stabilize blood sugar, and support overall health.

Tips to prevent blood sugar spikes after overeating

HẠ MÂY (Theo eatingwell) |

When you accidentally eat too much, you can apply some methods to prevent blood sugar from spiking.