4 benefits of walnut oil for the skin


Walnut oil contains important fatty acids and antioxidants, which help moisturize the skin and prevent signs of aging.

Loi ich cua dau oc cho doi voi lan da. Do hoa: Bao Anh
Benefits of walnut oil for the skin. Graphics: Bao Anh

Here are some benefits of walnut oil for the skin.

Moisturize your skin

A study published in the Foods Journal said that walnut oil is a great emollient, helping to moisturize and hydrate the skin, bringing clear softness and smoothness to the skin thanks to important fatty acids such as linoleic acid and oleic acid. These components work together to improve the skin's natural barrier, helping to maintain soft and healthy skin.

Fighting signs of aging

According to a study published in the journal Science Direct, walnut oil is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E, which plays an important role in neutralizing harmful free radicals. These free radicals are a factor in premature skin aging. Therefore, incorporating walnut oil into your skin care routine can significantly help reduce signs of aging, such as reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting younger skin.

Soothes inflamed skin

A study published in the Journal of Functional Food said that the anti-inflammatory properties of walnut oil help soothe inflamed skin. This property makes walnut oil beneficial for people with skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

Improve skin

Ayurveda medicine expert Dr Chanchal Sharma says walnut oil helps improve the appearance of the skin, such as matching skin tone and reducing the appearance of dark spots. In addition, walnut oil also gives the skin a more natural, smooth and radiant look.


Walnut oil helps control hair problems


Adding walnut oil to your hair care routine can nourish, hydrate, and promote hair growth, while improving scalp health.

Side effects of walnut oil on health


Walnut oil has many health benefits. However, consuming too much walnut oil can cause digestive problems, weight gain, and blood thinning.

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Walnut oil helps control hair problems

THIỆN NHÂN (THEO onlymyhealth) |

Adding walnut oil to your hair care routine can nourish, hydrate, and promote hair growth, while improving scalp health.

Side effects of walnut oil on health


Walnut oil has many health benefits. However, consuming too much walnut oil can cause digestive problems, weight gain, and blood thinning.

Dầu óc chó có tác dụng gì?

Kiều Linh (Theo Heathline) |

Dầu óc chó là dầu được chiết xuất từ ​​quả óc chó, chứa nhiều chất béo omega 3, protein, chất chống oxy hóa, sterol thực vật, magiê, đồng, Vitamin A, D. Vì vậy dầu óc chó được sử dụng nhiều trong ăn uống, làm đẹp, chăm sóc sức khỏe.