1. Supplement enough protein
A protein-rich dinner will not only keep you fuller longer, but it will also boost your metabolism. Lean meat, eggs, chicken breast, tofu, or fish are all great options.
Especially for those who regularly exercise in the evening, protein supplementation will help restore muscles and promote fat burning, thereby supporting more effective weight loss.
2. Don't forget the greens
Green vegetables are rich in fiber, not only help you feel full but also help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing fat accumulation. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach or canola are very nutritious and should be prioritized at every dinner. 1-2 cups of vegetables will be the ideal portion to help lose weight more easily.
3. Avoid late night snacking
Late night snacking is a leading cause of weight gain. Foods high in fat and salt can cause your body to retain water and gain weight uncontrollably.
If you're really hungry, choose light options like cherry tomatoes, egg whites, or plain yogurt to help satisfy your hunger without affecting your weight.
4. Reduce carbohydrate intake appropriately
Carbohydrates consumed in the evening are more likely to be converted to fat because the body has low insulin sensitivity at this time. To make weight loss easier, limit refined carbs and replace them with complex carbs like corn, sweet potatoes or whole grains to provide energy without adding fat.
5. Have dinner before 7 o'clock
The body's metabolism slows down at night, so eating dinner too late can easily lead to excess calorie storage. To lose weight effectively, it is best to finish dinner at least 4 hours before going to bed, helping the body digest and allowing you to sleep well.
6. Don't just eat fruit
Although fruit is healthy, some types are high in sugar and calories. Eating only fruit for dinner will lack protein, cause nutritional imbalances, and negatively affect metabolism.
Combine fruit with protein and fiber for a nutritious dinner that also supports healthy weight loss.
7. Drink water or low-fat milk before meals
Drinking a glass of water or low-fat milk before meals helps create a feeling of fullness, control food intake and prevent fat accumulation. In addition, drinking milk also helps improve sleep quality.
8. Don't skip dinner
Skipping dinner may help you lose weight temporarily, but it will slow your metabolism, cause dehydration, and cause nutritional deficiencies. Instead, eat moderately, ensuring a balanced diet of protein, high-quality carbs, and vegetables to maintain energy and promote healthy weight loss.