chlorogenic acid in coffee is a powerful antioxidant that not only has anti-inflammatory effects but can also improve lipid and glucose metabolism, reducing the risk of fatty liver disease.
Regular coffee consumption is significantly associated with a reduced risk of fatty liver disease and a reduced risk of cirrhosis.
Once coffee enters the body, it can bind to adenosine receptors on liver cells, inhibiting cirrhosis and preventing cirrhosis.
People with a high liver enzyme index can choose unsweetened, ice cream-free black coffee to reduce the burden on the liver. It should be noted that, although coffee is very good, you should not drink too much, the important thing is to drink it in moderation.
Black coffee combined with more than 70% pure dark chocolate is a healthy choice to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. Polyphenols in coffee can reduce triglycerides and total cholesterol, while dark chocolate helps stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.