Can you eat rice while losing weight

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

When losing weight, many people try to minimize eating rice. So is it possible to still eat rice while on a diet?

Why do many people avoid eating rice when trying to lose weight?

White rice is high in calories and carbohydrates. To control weight and lose weight, many people will reduce or completely eliminate rice to switch to other low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, a cup of rice contains 53.4 grams of carbohydrates. For those on a low-carb or ketogenic diet, rice is often eliminated from the menu.

Can you still eat rice while losing weight?

Rice is a staple food for people in many countries around the world. However, due to its high carbohydrate content, it is not popular with some people. However, if you love this food too much, you can still eat rice when losing weight.

4 ways to eat rice when losing weight

- Choose brown rice instead of white rice: Brown rice is less processed, rich in fiber, retains bran, vitamins and minerals. If you still want to eat rice when losing weight, you can eat brown rice, red rice or black rice. These types of rice are richer in antioxidants, iron and fiber than white rice.

- Balance rice with vegetables and protein: If you still want to eat rice while losing weight, you can eat a small portion, combined with eating vegetables and protein. You can cook rice with peas, lentils, chickpeas. Combining rice with beans will create a meal rich in protein, fiber, help you feel full longer and limit the amount of calories you take in.

- Healthy preparation: Instead of eating fried rice, eat cooked or steamed rice to minimize the amount of calories entering the body.

- Eat rice with fiber-rich dishes: Eating rice with fiber-rich side dishes such as salad and steamed vegetables helps support the digestive system, keeps you full longer, and minimizes the amount of calories you take in.

- Combine grains: Mixing rice with other grains like quinoa or barley increases the nutrient content and adds variety to your meals. This combination not only helps with weight loss but also helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is good for heart health.

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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