Recipe for weight loss dishes with soursop

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Soursop is low in calories and rich in nutrients. Here's how to make a weight loss dish with this fruit.

Health benefits of soursop

Antioxidant, beautify skin, improve health: The abundant vitamin and mineral content in soursop helps improve overall health, prevent aging and give you smooth, supple skin.

Improves immune system: The amount of vitamins twice as much as other fruits makes soursop have a positive effect in improving the functioning of the immune system.

Increases energy for the body: Soursop helps you quickly recharge lost energy, dispels fatigue and improves work efficiency. In particular, this fruit does not cause weight gain or obesity.

Stimulates digestion: Because it contains a lot of fiber, soursop is extremely effective in promoting digestion and creating an ideal environment for beneficial bacteria in the intestines to grow. Effectively solves problems of bloating and constipation.

Strong teeth and bones: Eating soursop will help you build strong bones and healthy teeth because of the calcium and phosphorus content in this fruit.

Recipes for making soursop dishes to help lose weight

Soursop smoothie


- 1 ripe soursop

- 125ml unsweetened almond milk

- 1/2 banana

- 10 grams chia seeds

Ice cubes (optional)


- Scoop out the flesh of the custard apple.

- Put soursop pulp, almond milk, banana, chia seeds and ice cubes in a blender.

- Blend until smooth.

- Pour into a glass and enjoy.

Soursop Salad


- 3 soursops

- 1 cucumber, diced

- 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

- 1 green chili, chopped

- Juice of 1 lemon

- Salt and pepper to taste

- Fresh coriander leaves for decoration


- Scoop out the custard apple flesh and cut into bite-sized pieces.

- In a large bowl, mix together soursop, cucumber, red onion and green pepper.

- Drizzle lemon juice over the mixture.

- Season with salt and pepper and mix gently.

- Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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Lý do bạn nên ăn mãng cầu xiêm mỗi tuần


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