Working at night can cause cardiovascular diseases


Working at night leads to an imbalance in the natural circadian rhythm, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

The impact of circadian rhythm disruption on cardiovascular health

One of the main concerns for night shift workers is the disruption of the body's natural circadian rhythm. The body's internal biological clock, which regulates sleep and wake cycles, plays a key role in maintaining overall health.

“Night shift workers typically work from 6pm to 7am. This can lead to an imbalance in the natural circadian rhythm, disrupting the sleep cycle and increasing the risk of coronary artery disease. It can also lead to gastrointestinal problems and adverse pregnancy outcomes,” says Dr Prashant Pawar, consultant interventional cardiologist, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Navi Mumba, India.

According to Dr. Prashant Pawar, the imbalance caused by irregular working hours will significantly affect cardiovascular health. People who work night shifts are more likely to have high blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy, both of which are precursors to serious cardiovascular diseases. They also tend to have high triglycerides and impaired glucose tolerance, contributing to metabolic syndrome.

Lifestyle factors and cardiovascular disease

In addition to biological risks, night shift workers often have unhealthy lifestyle habits that increase their risk of heart disease. Irregular eating schedules, a preference for high-calorie late-night snacking, and lack of exercise all play a role in exacerbating cardiovascular risks.

The combination of a disrupted biological clock and an unhealthy diet contributes to heart disease.

Psychological stress and long-term cardiovascular risk

“The psychological impact of night shift work cannot be ignored,” says Dr Sarita Rao, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, India. “The body’s altered sleep schedule combined with work-related stress further increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Working during sleep hours actually affects an individual’s biological clock. Night shift workers often suffer from irregular and abnormal heart rhythms. The psychological stress caused by irregular working hours, coupled with poor eating habits, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr Rao stresses that night shift workers must take proactive measures to manage their health.

- Follow a reasonable sleep schedule.

- Maintain a balanced diet.

- Exercise regularly.

- Maintain activity while working.


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