Benefits of each type of weight worn during exercise

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Weights are a great workout tool to support the practitioner. Below are the benefits of each type of weights in training.

There are three common types of weights: ankle weights, wrist weights, and weighted vests.

Benefits of wearing ankle weights

Increase the difficulty of your workout: These are optional weight plates that attach to your legs that make walking, running, or lifting your legs more difficult.

Strength Training: You can use ankle weights during strength training to help build your leg and glute muscles by adding weight to your workouts. A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that wearing ankle weights during exercise significantly increased lower body strength.

Improved Endurance: Over time, your body will adapt to the additional load of using weights, thereby improving your cardiovascular health and overall endurance.

Burn calories: Wearing weights increases the weight and difficulty of your workout, helping you burn more calories during your workout.

What are the benefits of wearing wrist weights?

Increased Strength: The extra weight your arms have to bear from wrist weights will add a challenge when walking, running, or doing any strength training movement.

Increased muscle tone: In a study published in the Taibah University Journal of Medical Sciences, participants were asked to wear weights on their wrists and ankles while performing daily activities for 20 minutes, three times a week, which significantly increased the muscle mass of those exercising.

Tone Your Arms: Wrist weights add weight to movements and build muscle to tone your arms, shoulders, and upper body.

Burn more calories: Wearing heavy wrist weights can cause your body to burn more calories, thereby aiding in weight loss or maintaining a lower weight.

Benefits of weighted vests

Increased Resistance: The added load from a weighted vest increases the difficulty of exercises, making movements like walking, running, and weightless exercises more difficult to perform.

Muscle strength training: When wearing a weighted vest, the body has to bear additional load when moving, helping to build and improve the strength of the upper body, mid-body and legs.

Weight Loss: Exercising with a weighted vest can help you lose weight. According to research published in the Journal of Frailty & Aging, a weighted vest is a safe way for obese people to lose weight.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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