Benefits of papaya leaf juice for dengue fever patients

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

The papain compounds, enzymes, vitamins A, C... found in papaya leaf juice can support the recovery process after dengue fever.

1. Natural fever reducer

The cooling properties of papaya leaves can help reduce fever, bringing comfort and ease to the patient.

2. Increase platelet count

Dengue fever can cause a decrease in platelet count, which is important for blood clotting. Some studies have shown that components in papaya leaves can help increase platelet count, aiding in the recovery process.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties

The enzymes and antioxidants in papaya leaves can help reduce inflammation, which is beneficial in controlling the symptoms of dengue fever.

4. Antioxidant effects

The high antioxidant content in papaya leaves helps fight oxidative stress, potentially reducing damage to cells and tissues.

5. Aids digestion

Papaya leaves contain papain - a digestive aid and can help control digestive problems that sometimes accompany dengue fever.

6. Boost immunity

The vitamins and minerals in papaya leaves support immune function, enhancing the body's ability to fight the dengue virus and recover more effectively.

7. Detoxification

Papaya leaves have detoxifying properties, cleanse the body of toxins, support overall health and aid recovery during dengue fever.

La du du mang lai loi ich bat ngo cho suc khoe. Do hoa: Vi Vi.
Nutrients in papaya leaf juice aid recovery from dengue fever. Graphics: Vi Vi.

How to make juice

Choosing fresh papaya leaves: Choose fresh, green papaya leaves from a healthy papaya tree. Avoid leaves that are yellowed or damaged.

Wash the leaves: Wash the papaya leaves to remove any dirt or impurities.

Cut leaves: Cut leaves into smaller pieces for easier blending.

Grind the leaves: Put the chopped leaves in a blender. Add a little water to puree. Blend until smooth.

Strain the juice: Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the blended mixture and extract the juice. You can discard the remaining pulp.

Drink juice: Drink a small amount of juice every day. Start with a small dose and monitor for any adverse reactions.

Note: People with dengue fever need to rest, have a reasonable diet and consult a doctor before using papaya leaf juice to avoid the risk of adverse reactions to the body.

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site)

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Dengue fever is a major public health concern

Hà Lê |

The Ministry of Health's approval of the dengue vaccine is expected to contribute to the comprehensiveness of the current dengue prevention strategy.

What complications can pregnant women with dengue fever experience?


Hanoi is at the peak of dengue fever, so doctors recommend that people should not be subjective in disease prevention, especially pregnant women.

Notes when getting dengue fever vaccine

Phương Anh |

Dengue fever is one of the common infectious diseases in our country, due to the tropical climate favorable for the development of mosquitoes that cause this disease.