Things to keep in mind when practicing Jumping Jack

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline) |

Besides the good benefits it brings to the body, keep in mind some important points when practicing Jumping Jack.

Jumping Jack is a popular full-body exercise and is especially popular with young people . With just a few simple jumping movements, Jumping Jack helps activate many muscle groups in the body, improving cardiovascular endurance and enhancing flexibility.

However, although the exercise is quite simple, if performed incorrectly, it can lead to injury and not achieve the desired effect.

Below are a few points that practitioners need to keep in mind when practicing Jumping Jack to avoid unnecessary harm to the body.

Warm up thoroughly

Warm-up is an important first step that cannot be skipped before performing any exercise, including Jumping Jack. Warming up properly will help warm up the body, increase blood circulation to the muscles and minimize the risk of injury.

Some suitable warm-up exercises include running gently on the spot for 3-5 minutes to warm up the body.

Rotate your wrists, ankles, shoulders, and hips to increase flexibility before getting ready for the exercise. Perform gentle stretching movements, focusing on leg muscles, arm muscles and back.

Follow correct technique

To achieve high efficiency and avoid injury when exercising, performing the Jumping Jack technique correctly is especially important.

Preparation position: Stand straight, legs together and arms stretched out on both sides of the body.

Jumping movement: Jump up while spreading your legs wider than your shoulders and raise your arms above your head, touching each other.

Return to starting position: Jump again and bring your feet back to the starting position, arms lowering to either side of your body.

In addition, when performing the above movements, you need to keep your back straight, not bent or hunched. Jump at a moderate height, not too high to avoid putting too much pressure on the knee joints. Breathe regularly, do not hold your breath while performing the movements.

Exercise intensity

Jumping Jack workout frequency and intensity should be adjusted to suit your personal condition and goals.

For beginners, you should only do it 2-3 times per week, for 10-15 minutes each time.

For those with experience, it can be increased to 4 - 5 times per week, 15 - 20 minutes each time and combined with other exercises in the training program.

At the same time, you should start with a slow pace and gradually increase the speed when your body becomes familiar with the exercise. Accordingly, start with 3 sets, each set of 10 - 20 jumps, resting between sets about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Adjust exercises accordingly

Each person has a different body condition and fitness level, so Jumping Jack exercises need to be adjusted accordingly to avoid injury and achieve optimal results.

With an easy level for beginners, jump more gently, without spreading your legs too wide or jumping too high. Once you get used to it and your body is strong enough, increase the number of jumps or combine it with other strengthening exercises such as burpees or lunges.

During the exercise, if your body feels pain or discomfort, stop and check your technique or consult a trainer. At the same time, when you feel tired, you should reduce the intensity of your exercise and get enough rest before continuing.

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Healthline)

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2 món cá nên ăn sau khi luyện tập giúp đốt mỡ nội tạng hiệu quả


Cá rất giàu protein chất lượng cao, cơ thể dễ hấp thụ. Đồng thời, cá có hàm lượng chất béo thấp, thích hợp để tiêu thụ trong sau thời gian tập thể dục, hỗ trợ quá trình đốt mỡ nội tạng diễn ra hiệu quả.

Những lưu ý khi chống đẩy để an toàn cho người luyện tập


Chống đẩy có thể mang lại hiệu quả lớn cho việc tập luyện. Tuy nhiên, khi chống đẩy chúng ta cần lưu ý một số điều để an toàn cho sức khỏe.

3 cách duy trì thói quen luyện tập, giúp kéo dài tuổi thọ ở người cao tuổi


Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới khuyến nghị người cao tuổi nên tập thể dục vừa phải ít nhất 30 phút mỗi ngày, bao gồm đi bộ nhanh, bơi lội, đạp xe, yoga, chạy bộ... để tốt cho sức khoẻ, kéo dài tuổi thọ.