Parents get refund after anger over fees


Thanh Hoa - After expressing their anger about the fees, some parents of Hai Thuong Primary School (Nghi Son Town) were refunded their previous payments.

According to parents whose children study at Hai Thuong Primary School (Nghi Son town, Thanh Hoa province), after being upset about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year at this school, some parents were refunded nearly 2 million VND that they had previously paid.

Phu huynh co con theo hoc tai Truong Tieu hoc Hai Thuong (Thi xa Nghi Son, tinh Thanh Hoa) buc xuc ve cac khoan thu dau nam hoc. Anh: Quach Du
Parents whose children study at Hai Thuong Primary School (Nghi Son Town, Thanh Hoa Province) are upset about the fees collected at the beginning of the school year. Photo: Quach Du

“The refunded amount is the overtime fee (VND1,575,000) and the life skills fee (VND350,000). We just received this money back after Lao Dong Newspaper published information about parents' anger and reactions to the fees collected at the beginning of the school year,” said a parent.

According to this parent, the refund of the above amount of money was not only for one grade, but for many different grades. Along with that, the number of parents who received the refund was small, not many people at the same time.

“The school principal said that it has just started and has not yet collected money, which is incorrect, because many parents (especially those in the selective classes) of the grades have already paid. In the total amount paid, there is also the fee for extra sessions, which the school previously claimed it would not collect. Now we have been refunded this money,” the parent affirmed.

When asked about the fact that some parents had received a part of the money previously paid back, Ms. Nguyen Thi Yen - Principal of Hai Thuong Primary School affirmed that the school had just announced the implementation of the fees, and had not yet collected them, so there was no way to refund the money to the parents.

"After Lao Dong Newspaper reported, we stopped everything and have not collected money from parents, so there is no refund" - The principal of Hai Thuong Primary School said.

Previously, Lao Dong Newspaper had a series of articles reflecting on the fact that, after the parent meeting, parents with children studying at Hai Thuong Primary School, Nghi Son Town expressed their anger when informed about the fees at the beginning of the school year.

After Lao Dong Newspaper reported, Nghi Son Town People's Committee directed the education sector and police to investigate and clarify.

Through verification and inspection, the representative of the Nghi Son Town Department of Education and Training said that some contents at this school were not implemented correctly, such as the socialized money was not given an average level, and the extra fee that a teacher announced was collected was not in accordance with regulations.

Nghi Son Town Department of Education and Training also requested the Principal of Hai Thuong Primary School to seriously learn from experience when implementing the content to teachers and parents.


Phụ huynh bất bình về hoạt động của hội cha mẹ học sinh


Thanh Hóa - Phụ huynh một trường tiểu học ở Thị xã Nghi Sơn tỏ ra bức xúc về những khoản thu đầu năm và phần nào bất bình với hoạt động của hội cha mẹ học sinh.

Tạm dừng giảng dạy kỹ năng sống sau phản ánh của phụ huynh


Thanh Hóa - Trường tiểu học Hải Thượng không tổ chức dạy thêm kỹ năng sống (đối với lớp 1 và 2) vào các buổi chiều sau phản ánh của phụ huynh.

Công an vào cuộc xác minh vụ phụ huynh bức xúc các khoản thu


Thanh Hóa - Thị xã Nghi Sơn đã giao cơ quan công an và phòng giáo dục xác minh, làm rõ vụ việc phụ huynh bức xúc, “sợ hãi” về các khoản thu đầu năm học.

Vụ phụ huynh “sợ” các khoản thu đầu năm: Kiểm điểm cô giáo


Thanh Hóa - Sau khi phụ huynh tại một trường tiểu học (ở thị xã Nghi Sơn) bức xúc, "thấy sợ" về các khoản thu đầu năm học, nhà trường đã kiểm điểm một cô giáo.

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